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Everything posted by swede316

  1. So sad...I watched the Dems just to see their side and give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they coulda swayed me. People seem so polarized that they won't be open to listening to the other side.
  2. Now back to the subject...In this election...I don't think cute works. I think the voters are too polarized to actual issues.
  3. All's I know is Texas is larger than alot of countries. As governor he would have had to deal with budgets, laws, etc as the head of the state's executive branch. Not a bad primer for the presidency.
  4. As Governor of the 2nd? largest state. A job closer to President than the senate.
  5. They may be worried about Edward's experience. He was only elected to the Senate in 1998. 6 years experience is awefully short.
  6. Dear Abby: My husband is a liar and a cheat. He has cheated on me from the beginning, and when I confront him, he denies everything What's worse, everyone knows he cheats on me. It is so humiliating. Also, since he lost his job three years ago he hasn't even looked for a new one. All he does is buy cigars and cruise around and BS with his pals, while I have to work to pay the bills. Since our daughter went away to college he doesn't even pretend to like me and hints that I am a lesbian. What should I do? Signed, Clueless Dear Clueless: Grow up and dump him. For Pete's sake, you don't need him anymore... You're a United States Senator from New York, act like it!!
  7. Two even scarier words: President Edwards.
  8. That was me.
  9. I don't care who it is as long as his strong play continues.
  10. I stand corrected ... on the date
  11. Hey man..I agree...but in order to avoid jail...a rich NBA star will pay some one in civil court....Not saying it's always right...But sometimes victims get compensated for their injuries
  12. WHOA....Will be decided in civil court...He almost pleads guilty: "Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter." SHE GETTING PAID!!!!!
  13. How much did it cost him...I'll guess 5 million
  14. Good luck Tatonka...I'm in Pensacola...Just hope it moves north...But if it comes..I'll have a hurricane party...Some where besides here.
  15. The VP had an interesting speech. He reminds me of a college professor..Very even keeled and just giving you the facts...no rah rah...just the facts...So peeps...Just study the facts..the test is Nov 2nd...don't fail. Oh by the way...If you vote for Kerry...You failed.
  16. What a load of trash....The Pentagon is a "Hardened" facility....A plane on a suicide run would be moving at 600mph +...into a nuclear hardened facility..it would distingrate...its the laws of gravity and physics.
  17. Gotta agree...As much as I'd like Haddad to make the roster...It just isn't feasible with 4 Qb's on the roster.
  18. billsfanone!
  19. Who's with me...join the resitance...Victory is ours!
  20. Jenna's the right Bush for you! Outgoing, fun loving and adventerous is what you are looking for in your Bush. You obviously someone who is more likely to spend time killing your brain cells then stimulating them. That's good because Jenna will be the perfect Bush to drink you under the table beneath the Texas sun. Even though she like to party, she no dummy. She speaks two languages fluently, that's two more than her father. She's also is interested in education so if you didn't graduate high school now is the time to go get that GED
  21. Jenna's the right Bush for you! Damn I think Barbara is hotter...but Jenna does have some nice hooters..
  22. You forgot to get your ass outta there...Dude...Been thru 2 cat 2 Hurricanes..No joke...a 4 or 5...not worth it man...Goto New Orleans or Jackson, MS
  23. We're billsfanone...I bow to our new Alien Masters...NOT!
  24. Ahh-Nuld Kicked ass though.
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