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Everything posted by swede316

  1. No doubt Wacka...We let this wound fester way too long...and the world is now paying the price.
  2. I don't know...but goddamn is it expensive to ship food...Sometime shipping is more than the food......Why must they punish the former Buffalonians?
  3. I don't like RJ or Flutie because they both suck and had the wrong attitudes. One was a selfish ego-maniac, the other was a weak-minded sissy. However, I will say the decision to start RJ over Flutie in the Tennessee game was a GOOD move. By that point in the season, defenses had Flutie figured out. As good as Tennesse was on defense, we would have had NO CHANCE in winning on the Titans' home field with Flutie under center. As it was, RJ got the job done and we should have won that game. Let's not forget that. RJ helped us get in position to win that game. If it wasn't for that BS kickoff return, we probably go to the Super Bowl. It wasn't RJ's fault that the kickoff team didn't stay in their lanes, and it wasn't RJ's fault that the officiating crew consisted of a bunch of cowards afraid to reverse the call. We will never know...but if Flutie starts...no need for the last kickoff....maybe we win big...maybe we lose lose big...I feel the win big.
  4. The AP should be ashamed......They just lost ALL credability...Pure Garbage.
  5. I hope he dosen't pull an Admiral Boorda.
  6. Dude..Chill out...Ok what has Rj ever done for this team? Not a goddamn thing. I bet you Wade Phillips loses sleep every night starting RJ over Flutie vs Tennessee. I know Rob played a great game but Flutie had started most of the year and done well....1 meaningless start against Indy (which I was at) and he picks RJ. I hypothyzize if Flutie started...we woulda went to the Super Bowl. FLAME AWAY
  7. I watched Bush's rally live today from Wisconson...He offered prayers and best wishes to the Clinton's... no boos...just cheers . If the Dems stoop this low to offer otherwise...F them...I didn't like Bill as the Prez...but I would in no way wish for his death...and any one who would try and spin this otherwise is disturbed.
  8. Maybe its time to just drop the bomb on us all......let the roach's take over...this kinda thing is just so NOT right .....Between Muslim Terrorists killing 200 kids and this sick friek...lets start over. Nuke the planet!!
  9. I see we have some RJ fans here
  10. No one...the beatch would have to accept me for who I am...well...maybe Selma Hayek
  11. Need to register...what's that thing where you don't need to register? Has the a user name and password for these type sites?
  12. You liked it didn't you...yoooooooooo sick friek!!! (The Rock reference)
  13. This is a horrible situation...but it has opened some eyes...especiallly in Europe....Even France is saying it's time to stop Terrorism...too bad it had to take the death of 200 Russian children.
  14. I agree 200+ dead...alot kids...My thoughts and prayers to the Russian people.....To the terrorists...may you rot in hell.
  15. Liked his line though " win one for the gipper....lose one for the flipper"
  16. The horror...the horror...
  17. Too bad...He was a good story. Maybe he'll catch on somewhere else.
  18. See unlike when a senator takes vacation, a President has a vast staff that travels with him. Military communications, staff members, etc are with him. He never is truley on vacation. More like a mobile White House.
  19. Well...I don't have time to explain everything money buys.....But as we have seen with OJ, The Kennedy kid, etc...If you have $$$$ you can avoid jail and pay your way out. Wrong as hell but the way it is.
  20. Mark my words..She'll get paid.
  21. Bastard...I almost choked on my beer.
  22. Nice try...Nice surmation of the following website...but it goes a little deeper than figure head. http://texaspolitics.laits.utexas.edu/html/exec/0300.html
  23. Just checked NFL .com ...Says 7pm
  24. NFL real pass. 9.99 a month or 29.99 for the season. Welcome to the No longer Free League.
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