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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Well Rubes...You can if your Idea of Pizza is Pizza Hut, Wings is Pizza Hut, Subs is Quiznos or Subway and Hot Dogs is Oscar Meyer....Oh I miss WNY!!!!
  2. I see them splittin with NE and sweeping a weak miami team
  3. 10-6 ..and a wild card
  4. Bush
  5. I watched it live...No boo's ...
  6. Hmmm...Buftex..i offer you this...maybe we are the educated voters....We ramble on here about this and that...we offer counter poise and poise......But the average voter we are not............No matter our affliation we are informed voters...the rest cannot be said of the majority of the voting public....so my question to you is...does Kerry have enough to beat bush on the basis of the casual voter?..I say no.
  7. All spiders must die...regardless of your greener's life to all stand. Evil creatures.
  8. RJ woulda ended the drama between you Yanks and Bosox fans....If the yanks coulda pulled off the trade there would be no 2.5 game excitement. I'm a Met's fan so I have no stake in this argument.....but for some reason...I can't root for the Sox....go Blue Jays...haha
  9. I was at the Ralph 2x last year...and will be there 3 x this year...I live in Florida....and come up mainly for the food. Italian Sausage in WNY is the best. Was never a fan of fried bologna even when mom made us eat it. Relish in the food WNY...you'll never eat better elsewhere.
  10. Amen...I think thats what i like about Bush...A no nonsense guy..take the fight to them...no matter where.
  11. Shhhhhh....Don't let Blzrul see this or she'll add you to Kerry's doom and gloom of the economy.... .........Sorry couldn't resist the PPP aspect.
  12. LA..I didn't mean to single you out...I was just making a point.
  13. LA...to beat an incumbant President...you have to prove him wrong on 1 major front...Kerry cannot do that...We have a good economy, the war on terror is the war on terror, and Iraq is making progress to election this winter.....Unlike when George Sr. lost...there is nothing right now Kerry can exploit 100%.
  14. The 10th Mountain Division is ill equiped for Bagdad...but Afganistan...That's their territory...SEALS/Green Berets...Both have Platoons dedicated for each type of war....Unless you know what you are talking about...Don't spout off.
  15. Good site.......War isn't easy but it looks like we are doing some good over there. Lot of the pictures some of the Iraqi's seem to like us there. From what my nephew (who's there) has told me ...It's a small minority that are doing the majority of fighting. Most of the people just want to live normal lives.
  16. If Purdue is kicking them down like that imagine what my Seminoles are going to do to them .... 107-0
  17. He does have skill...and it's hard not to root for a kid with his story.
  18. Something tells me our asses might get burnt.
  19. Why did we keep Pucillo?
  20. Can you say...R A I D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. " lunatics yelling at the wind." Yep, that describes some lefties here.
  22. I think it will be alot like last years game. Bills 35 - Jags 21
  23. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,131319,00.html
  24. The weather channel....Need to see if Frances is coming my way.
  25. You have to be sure.....You justy can't drop a MOAB on a village. If you were wrong..that's counter productive to our efforts.
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