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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Yeah..We know but the NOAA model looks promising...I get out in 13 days...Don't need no hurricane here to make my transition difficult.
  2. Haha...May 2004...Info Studies.
  3. Actually...Law school...You know to bail out the Football Players..Just kidding ...I have my Masters in Info Studies.
  4. Man...We've dodged the bullet here in Pensacola..and looks like we will again....I have 13 days left here. ..I feel bad for you guys "down south"...Take cover or evacuate.....As much stevestojan as I give you guys...take care and be safe.
  5. Ok...haven't been "close attention" to Kerry's four months in Vietnam. I know it was a 1 year tour. My question is was any of his wounds worthy of his tour being cut 8 months short? I have seen that his wounds were superficial at best. Please enlighten me...I honestly do not know the answer.
  7. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: GO FSU...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...I got my Masters from FSU.....So I guess you gotta be a homey...so to speak.
  8. Again my point was to point out Clinton policy that when compared to Bush policy is similar.......Yet Dems criticise Bush while lauding Clinton...Not saying everything is 100% correct...But enough similarities exist to point to partisianship. All I'm sayin is be fair....and I got it from an email not the internet
  9. And most interestingly...most guns used in crime are stolen...Kerry is preying on your fear...Here is the Dept. of Justice report. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/guic.pdf In the 1991 BJS Survey of State Inmates, about 8% of the inmates reported that they had owned a military-type weapon, such as an Uzi, AK-47, AR-15, or M-16. Less than 1% said that they carried such a weapon when they committed the incident for which they were incarcerated. A Virginia inmate survey conducted between November 1992 and May 1993 found similar results: About 10% of the adult inmates reported that they had ever possessed an assault rifle, but none had carried it at the scene of a crime.
  10. Holy crap...What a crock...FBI statistics before the ban where that only 8% of all shootings happened with an assualt weapon. After the LA robbery..which were machine guns obtained illegially...(most people fail to understand a semi-automatic weapon is not the same as a fully auto machine gun) Did the politicians go nuts...Oh my we need to ban these type weapons..I own 2 "Assault" weapons. I have not been involved in any crimes ever. Gun control does not work...Fully enforce the laws we have.
  11. My point was...People are dogging Bush for some of the same things Clinton did. Just pointing out some hypocrisy.
  12. Not fact!!!!..then why bother...Seriously keep your opinions to yourself on such important matters.
  13. Has this ever been proven? I've never seen anything about this. Please just the facts...If they exist.
  14. I wonder if she was given a chance to explain her report? I had some negative things on mine from fraud. I had them cleared up with the big 3 reporting agencies but didn't know about them until I bought my own report. Either way I don't think its fair to deny someone a job because of a credit report, especially without a chance to explain any negative information.
  15. She has proven that time and time again.
  16. Can you feel the love on this board?
  17. Eric Moulds...44 yards from Bledsoe.....Bills win 35-21. B)
  18. No stevestojan?!...It is a comparison of Clinton's record to Bush's...Whom all of the Dems seem to love. They cry about Bush's moves yet love Clinton's moves. Some of which are very similar. You can't compare Kerry's record because he dosen't have one.
  19. I'm trying to get all this political stuff straightened out in my head so I'll know how to vote come November. Right now, we have one guy saying one thing. Then the other guy says something else. Who to believe? Lemme see, have I got this straight? Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia - good Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq - bad Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - good Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq - bad Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - good Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists - good Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - bad... Clinton bombs Chinese embassy - good... Bush bombs terrorist camps - bad... Clinton commits felonies while in office - good... Bush lands on aircraft carrier in jumpsuit - bad... Clinton says mass graves in Serbia - good... Entire world says WMD in Iraq - bad... No mass graves found in Serbia - good... No WMD found Iraq - bad... Stock market crashes in 2000 under Clinton - good... Recession under Bush - bad... Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden - good... World Trade Centers fall under Bush - bad... Clinton says Saddam has nukes - good... Bush says Saddam has nukes - bad... Clinton calls for regime change in Iraq - good... Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad... Terrorist training in Afghanistan under Clinton - good... Bush destroys training camps in Afghanistan - bad... Milosevic not yet convicted - good... Saddam in custody - bad... Ah, it's so confusing! (Not to me it Ain't!!) I may be a registered Independant but, Bush/Cheney '04 is the only logical choice!
  20. Actually I live in Florida...but since I'm still in the military I'm still a NYS resident. Looks like I get it from both ends.
  21. Highest Taxes in the country. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...states_taxes_dc
  22. I use sports interaction. http://www.sportinteraction.com/ They do pay...sometimes slow, but you can use Fedex.
  23. Freiking Miami B word's...All they do is tout how good they are ......Willis needs to STFU and learn.
  24. Dude...You are getting greedy...stick with a 3 team parlay. If ya win Roll some into next week. I won $1500 last year with just 3 teamers. My play this week.: Tenn over Mia +3 Minn over Dall +4 Pitt over Oak +4
  25. Ummm ok..I'll guess 9-3 Bush?
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