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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Excellent point....These people don't have a clue.
  2. This show reminds me of the Sixth Sense.....I think they are all dead...Hence the the dude seeing his dad's ghost and the cripple being able to walk...That's the Islands magic. they are in Purgatory or something.
  3. I for one am letting go.
  4. I don't like Jerry Sullivan much but he hits the nail on the head here.
  5. No...but I lost money at the races....and my intestines will never be the same from a bad shwarma...or however you spell it.
  6. Man..I've been beating this drum for awhile now...NYC must be cut loose from the rest of the state.
  7. If i never go back...Wouldn't be any skin of my back..That place really should be nuked and started over...but that is just my personal opinion.
  8. I finally found a good use for a cat... http://www.starterupsteve.com/swf/chowmein.html Funny Stuff
  9. You just made my point. Why should you care....It's not that offensive...If they wanted to hang the Koran, Budda, and The 10 Commandemnets together ..who am I to complain..Like I said..Each his own.
  10. We aren't learning from history...and we shall fall upon a great defeat much like Rome.
  11. Why don't you?...maybe if you served and been overseas you'd have a different perspective of the world..actually meet the people of the middle east and see the hatred in their eyes for you or how they just try and make a buck off you..."my best american friend". ...I have my own opinion of the people over there formed through experience....maybe you should too.
  12. Dude...your avatar just is wrong...gives me the heebie jeebies...
  13. Me personally...I could care less about the ten commandments being in a courthouse...It dosen't bother me 1 way or the other....It was written by a man...Just 10 decent rules to live by if you ask me...but hey..too each his own...The problem here in lies with people restricting the rights of others....How is the 10 commandments offesive to you..I just really wonder...Do you object to what they have say or mearly the fact they are religious. Political correctness is going to sink this country....I really believe that....We have or had common sense values and laws in this country for 200 + years...This empire is dire straights. Not saying every law was just ie. slavery and such...but what is taking it too far?
  14. Man...Missing 58,000 ballots...get it right for once...jeez. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,136835,00.html
  15. Left or right some things in this country have gone to far. Example: Take the pledge of Allegiance...totally meant to teach young kids about beleiving in your country and what your country stands for. Yet this PC world of ours makes it seem like a religious right effort to mindwash our children...It's aload of crap! Even our money says in God We Trust....It dosen't specify whose god.....now if your an atheist ...you don't believe in god so why would you care either way. It's just frieking silly the extremes both sides go to. A question to those whose oppose it? What would you have it say? In Government we trust? Yeah right!
  16. Curious...Do these assclowns call you out of the blue or are you on a list or something?
  17. Still 1 spot to go down.....
  18. 31 of 32 ...... Below the Phish even! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/writ...ex.html?cnn=yes
  19. Dosen't this topic come up every 2 or 3 months...enough already! If you want conspiracy watch the X-Files.
  20. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,136663,00.html Ah but the question is...When did they disapear?
  21. Funny...when I graduated boot camp..they didn't send me home with an M-16. Hell I have 5 days left in the military and they haven't sent me home armed yet after 15 years.
  22. I guess you need to realize there are 2 versions of the AK-47...a legal SEMI-Auto and the illegal FULLY Auto version. You can buy the semi but not the full...If you don't know the difference go to an NRA safety class.
  23. ZZZZZZ....ZZZZZZZ....ZZZZZZZ .... This crap is old
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