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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Yeah...Ok and I saw an Alien once...Whatever dude...Like I'd believe anyone on an internet message board...You got a reliable drug test.? Nope didn't think so...So let's get off this ride ........I said proof..You offer a friend of my sisters 3rd cousin seen so and so..WTF? !@#$ing douchebag!
  2. Dumbass
  3. Good call.. Philly with Travis might be a SB winner.
  4. This move may save TD's job.
  5. Hmmm...Another unfounded allegation...Peeps..bring proof before saying damaging things. All I ask is proof.
  6. Depends on if Ricky Williams is available, who is a free agent and who drafts Cadillac Williams. Just depends on the market at the time.
  7. ummm huh?...a link or something?
  8. Ya know..It's sad that people will stoop to the lowest level to get who they think should be elected. 1 person 1 vote. Yet we have the Micheal Moores and the Howard Sterns ( I hate to say it..I like Howard) that have the ability to influence the minions to vote for their candidate. ..and even worse we have these retards who promote facists comparisions even though they are false.
  9. I don't think so...They still have to fill the ranks of the military and such.....I think Bush wins with the help of half the MTV crowd.
  10. Sounds like a Kerry kinda guy.
  11. Man...Can't spell after a game...must be the Blue Lights...
  12. I think it's a product of what they want to do offesnivly..RUN THE BALL...Today they were effectictive and Drew's stats showed that....We ran well and we scored...Now we must do this consistently
  13. This s the first time I've ever heard of this..and believe me I'm in the know.
  14. Well...Boston broke the curse...GW breaks the Redskins tradition.
  15. Short video with both the twins........mmmmmmmm...twins...NOTE: G W takes up most of it. http://www.georgewbush.com/OurDad/
  16. JEB BUSH...Much smarter than his brother and a much better speaker...The first family with 3 presidents.
  17. Not even close..choke on this: 8/17 81 4.8 2 0 I'll take 2 TD's over 2 Int's anyday.
  18. Man..Was a fun game..Don't piss on the parade.......We will beat the Jets.
  19. That was me...Just got back from the game
  20. zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz
  21. JK has had 20 years in the Senate and accomplished nothing...He's a panderer and a man of low integrety...but i guess since he has a plan for everything you mental midgets line up. Get a clue.
  22. I wouldn't know...why don't you tell us?
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