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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Where are you getting these reports?
  2. I don't know how they do it in PA...but here I had to sign by my name as a registered voter in a poll book in order to vote. So is someone forging signatures or something?
  3. Voted at 08:45 for Bush.......Only 7 people in front of me and 2 behind me. 47 degrees and a steady rain here in the Buffalo area.
  4. On my way out at 08:30...I'll let ya guys know if I see anything shady and how long the the lines are.
  5. Bed time here too..The Bill's game was great....Man I love going to the games...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  6. Whatever Bullet Sponge...
  7. If Kerry wins...I'm leaving the country...Oh wait..I already am Well if Kerry wins I won't come back B)
  8. Maybe at the Jets game this week I can meet some of you..even though I don't like you...hehe
  9. never said i didnt respect you...just didnt like your takes
  10. AD is all talk...He's never killed Bigfoot or even seen him...heheh
  11. Ahhh...The P club...many a drunkin night.
  12. NSGA here..Maybe you aren't so bad...
  13. When where you in Adak? I was there 90-91.
  14. VA...honestly..would you trust anybody without knowing them on this board...If you do...You are a fool.
  15. Ok...I'm saying i saw Bigfoot while I was stationed in Alaska...Is that proof enough for you that Bigfoot exists?
  16. Ummm Kelly...on an Internet Message board it is...You can say whatever.....It's still heresay...Total BS....Sorry dude...Just not believable.
  17. Jim...I've never done drugs either...The point of my posts was the proof of who did what...they accuse the President of doing coke...but offer no proof...All's I'm asking for is proof...My last post was in response to a joke but I'd stand up for kelly if they had no proof. I want facts not BS.
  18. Well there ya go...In THIS society the burden of PROOF is on the people...He IS innocent until proven guilty...and unless you have PROOF...he is INNOCENT......Just the way this country works.....Like it or not...quit spewing crap unless you have proof. ...It's like me saying I saw Kelly the Fair and Balanced Dog..I saw him doing crack with 3 Gay dudes...and he liked it.....I have no proof but damn i can say it.
  19. Was I talking about Keith Richards?..NO...Don't change the subject...Kelly...you've owned me in a few discusions before..admit I own you here.
  20. So you admit you have 0 proof?
  21. u mean bad things happen in 3's and and you know it.
  22. Just !@#$ing say it dumbass...you have NO proof...Nuff Said..Tired of this stevestojan.
  23. Sorry Rich...wasn't directed at you...look at my edited post...It was about the friend of a friend seen so and so do coke post.
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