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Everything posted by swede316

  1. I feel your pain Chef...My 1099 cost me $3300 this year...Ouch!
  2. WTF game was this? I get JK club seats every time I'm back home and it's great! Granted they weren't cheap but I couldn't tell the difference fron end zone seats.
  3. From ESPN Insider.....Barf!!!
  4. Ah yes, Australia Day...Kinda like the 4th of July...Watch the Cricket (instead of baseball), get drunk and have a BBQ. Love it!!
  5. 1 hour 40 minutes..........But I, like Jim have enough firepower to ensure I don't get bitten...unless of course they bite me while I'm asleep.
  6. Why the panic? We've hired a decent GM. Let HIM find the right coach. Be it Cowher, Grimm, Shotty, or whoever. For once I hope they take their time and get it right.!!!
  7. Adam Schefter Frazier the leader right now "While questions continue to swirl about the Buffalo Bills head-coaching job, certain candidates' names can being to be crossed off. Bill Cowher is not going to be the Bills next head coach, no matter how much money the franchise has offered him, according to league sources. Brian Billick never was considered once Buffalo hired new general manager Buddy Nix, sources said. But Vikings defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier is said to have had a highly impressive interview. Buffalo still is planning on conducting more interviews with more coaches involved in the playoffs, and their outlook always could change, but heading into the start of the postseason, Frazier is the temporary leader in the clubhouse. Also, Buffalo's interim head coach Perry Fewell is said to have had a more impressive interview than many realize. Buffalo has other assistant coaches it still wants to interview, but those coaches are involved in the playoffs and the Bills have not had access to them yet."
  8. Bill Cowher, the Buffalo Bills next head coach. Hmmm...How many of us thought we'd sign TO?...Not me....I'll just say..Never say never.
  9. M-14, M-60, M16/M4....The best was the M-60...Tracers..Gotta have the tracers...Cool as!!
  10. What a mess...Seriously Ralph...Sell the team to Kelly and company....Or whoever....End this mess...NOW!
  11. I'm gonna side with Schobel on this one...Who has he had to help him? The Bills have been pretty mediocre in his time...But he's stood out. Lot's of 1st round busts on the D-line. But he's always been a competeter. Is he Bruce Smith..No..But he's been productive...alot more than I can say about the other clowns over the past few years.
  12. He does not have too...We are too simple and retarded to fathom his infinite wisdom!
  13. Let him...No way she's the nominee in 2012. A wasted effort.
  14. Really, How about all of the climate changes before there were humans on the planet? Multiple mass extintions have been blamed on climate change...Just so happens we weren't around. maybe we are going through a change...If it is...It's not do to us. Just the Earth's cycle. Read up on your geology and paleontolgy and you'll see I'm right!
  15. Actually Hoss makes some good points. Since I've been down under the last 5 years I've been playing Rugby. A much faster game (especially Rugby League). No commercials during the games on TV either!!! I think that's what's killing me with the NFL nowadays. Too many commercial breaks really slow it down. Still have the online NFL ticket and watch the games but just not into like I used to be (could also be the Bills sucking for the past 10 years too). Referees suck in every sport.
  16. I could easily live with it if they hired Marty. He's a good coach. I think the one name of all mentioned that would make me absolutley puke would be Kevin Gilbride. Oh god NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  17. Hope sprung with Jauron's firing...now all we can do is wait...hopefully
  18. Nanker...I'll believe it after the press conference introducing one of them.
  19. Yep....Now if we could only have the NRA of healthcare.
  20. "Why Shanahan MUST be hired" Well...Now that it's been brought up...Anything other than Shanahan or Cowher or Holmgren will be a monumental letdown.
  21. Tim Graham does...Power through the press!!!
  22. It seems even the Chosen One fears the NRA! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...9111211331.html "Obama said that it would be too difficult politically to enact new gun legislation soon and that enforcing existing measures would have a more immediate effect. "
  23. All of the fiscal comments aside, let's remember that he is now letting in people with a potential deadly disease. WTF!!! If one American dies from it from a new immigrant, then it's one too many. This guy seriously needs his head examined. Why not let people with Ebola in too?
  24. Sure, why not? Maybe if enough people posted this thread...Maybe someone in the organization might take notice of how fed up we all really are with this crap product. Maybe someone still cares at One Bills Drive
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