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Everything posted by swede316

  1. You ever been to Alabama?
  2. Come on..She likes Bush....
  3. Typical liberal...Sponging off of others.
  4. LOL...That is some funny stevestojan...See ya...Good Riddance...Don't let the door hit ya on the azz on the way out.
  5. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/guic.htm
  6. Civilian owned Assualt Weapons are not Automatic...they are Semi Automatic...and are used in less then 1% of all violent crime and are usually stolen from their rightful owner. .
  7. Let's not go there again...I'm tired of educating the mis-informed.
  8. I can see being upset your guy lost...but damn did they get a weekend pass from the nut house?
  9. Now...having been in the military...I got to move every 1.5 to 3 years. I can think of much worse places to live. How I'd rank the Places I've lived. 1. Buffalo area (Friends and Family plus low cost of living and the best food around). 2. San Diego (Awesome weather, Awesome fun but Ridiculous cost of living unless you are a Padre or Charger) 3. Pearl Harbor (It's Hawaii but see San Diego) 4. San Juan, PR (High crime, learn Spanish and High crime but oh those girls ) 5. Adak, Alaska (1200 miles west of Anchorage on a tiny island...Nuff Said) 6. Pensacola, Fl (Redneck and frieking HOT and HUMID) So there you have it.
  10. My thoughts exactly...Posted something similar last week.
  11. That's why I think they are all dead. They just don't know it.
  12. Gonna miss you Howard...WGR needs to stream again...Moving to Australia next week and now I cannot get my fix. Good luck at WGR. ....Also Maybe I missed it but A heads up woulda been nice...Turned on Empire at 3 today and was like WTF!.
  13. Here's my take..for what it's worth. I like Howard Stern...He has this guy Danial Carver on who is a KKK member and he if free to say the N word and whatever. Howard also has on Trick Daddy, black rapper, and the fireworks erupt. Did the FCC fine stern? No they can't..each of these polar opposites have a right to what they wanna say. So my point is...as much as you don't like it...as long as they aren't saying anything that would incite bodily harm to another or something...you gotta live with it. Five days suspension...probally not a good idea for the school if they want to avoid a lawsuit.
  14. So who haven't we heard from? Tenny, Blzrul? am I missing anyone?
  15. I sent douchebag an email...Thanking him for motivating me to vote.......for Bush....He drove people away from Kerry...I guarantee it.
  16. I hope sombody has a sniper scope on his fat ass.
  17. Nice post
  18. One way to look at it is they actually drove people to Bush.
  19. Be careful what you ask for on this board.....You just might get it.
  20. Good...Couldn't imagine 4 years with that battle axe.
  21. Nice post KFBD...I salute you...Maybe you can call Kerry so he can follow in your footsteps.
  22. Now there is a scary thought. Yuck!
  23. 01:15AM...Looks like a Bush Victory...But never say never.
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