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Everything posted by swede316

  1. If it was one week before...I'd say too bad...you missed the registeration deadline . I know here in NY you had to registerd by Oct. 8th. If I'm wrong I'm sorry...but waiting until a week before...no sympathy here.
  2. So which is it..record turnout..or only 1 in 10 voted ...I've seen both...or is 1 in 10 the record turnout?
  3. I pose a curious question.....Should it be? My point is what if each state had the same amount of votes lets say 1 state 1 vote..Would it be better? .In a states such as California and NY with a high immigrant/illegial immigrant population...Is it fair? Not trying to racist or anything close but staes with high immigration represent a high burden on the respective states... Thus those people will vote beneficiary to themselves. One only has to look to NYC.
  4. All of the states represent the whole country...What makes Alaska worth any less than NY or Rhode Island less than California. Let me put it this way...would an attack on Alaska or Rhode Island not be an attack on us all?
  5. If you went by popular vote...Cali, Texas, FL and NY would be the only states that mattered.
  6. Alaska D...I only call you a communist when you delete my posts..
  7. The left do some rippin too.
  8. http://www.marryanamerican.ca/ Here ya go Blzrul...A site just for you. See ya.
  9. Lag does suck at times but damn ...it's like crack...keeps ya begging for more.
  10. What else is there besides SOCOM II?
  11. Ok here's mine...probally to see thru? Name: TorontoHillary Age: 30 Gender: SheMale Occupation: Escort Location: Toronto, On Hot for: Cigars, Sub-missives, and Daschhounds Political orientation: Liberal Queen. What I'm looking for: To dominate you and your kind. A real submissive lady or guy. Why get to know me: You want me to rule your life peasant.
  12. Not too subtle but I like it.
  13. I think so too..but god if they are real......
  14. On the front page of foxnews there is a picture of a marine on patrol without a clip in his rifle..WTF? http://www.foxnews.com/
  15. Anyone post a fake profile yet?
  16. It's not natural to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. ..Crazy man.
  17. Sounds like fun...we need to post responses too.
  18. Easily...The Bush Company still around?
  19. try living there for 18 months.
  20. OMG..This cannot be real...TOO FUNNY. .."I Wrangle Cattle"...
  21. Atleast your were "in town" not up on the hill.
  22. Damn...makes me sound like a Martian or something..
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