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Everything posted by swede316

  1. I'm a Neocon much like Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan .
  2. I will...I dont have my house hold goods shipment yet but once I get my computer I will update you regualry..have to use a friends ....Now its time for more VB. Also...I have yet to see a Kangaroo.
  3. That speaks volumes about that particular system...Where is Jesse Ventura when we need him?
  4. The stuff even looks distusgting...VB and steaks ...VB and steaks. B)
  5. Well, they did offer me Antartica...But I've been to enough games in December and January at the Ralph to know it would't be the same without the Bills.
  6. Thanks....My company got me the work visa. They have an Australian contract. I'll be living in Alice Springs...ie the Outback. Should be fun.
  7. I made my move Down Under....I love this place so far. Great weather, nice people and lots of beer. On a political note.....Bush gets quite alot of positive press and backing here in the newspapers. Seems Australians consider themselves conservitives too.
  8. I think He's been found...Here he is: http://www.marryanamerican.ca/profiles/index.php?id=23
  9. I wasn't begging for Henry's return assclown...I was simply pointing out it's been 3 frieking games...Don't smoke his pole just yet...I've seen this before...Let him finish the last 8 games like the 1st three then you can annoit him King of Bills Land
  10. Travis Henry had 2700 yards the last 2 years combined.....Yet for whatever reason he has been shitcanned to the curb. Willis has done a nice job in his 3 starts...count them 3 starts.....I'll say it, nice job...keep it up...the more he does the more props he'll get.
  11. Well...17% equates to a little under 2 in 10...not much better.
  12. Whatever the point I was trying to make..It's moot now....stevestojan is about to get serious...Atleast Bush is still around and won't buckle to this crap: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,137719,00.html
  13. I agree they are not US citizens...but do they count againt the census? If they don't...are they imaginary..They do live here yet don't exist?
  14. Never said the scope or (looks to me like a holo sight was useless)but if they say jarhead is on patrol...the mofo best have a 30 round clip and be ready for bear.
  15. Hmmmm...Each state has counties...why not 1 vote per county...whoever wins the county gets that vote........Seems fair. lets say NY has 50 counties...Kerry only won 11......bush wins 39.....It offsets High immigration areas like NYC. ...each state would be fair. County wide. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/pages/res...P/00/index.html
  16. My clan was/is SCW..........I shipped my PS2 this week...I'm moving to Australia.....My name online is Swede-187. I'll be up and running I hope by the 20th. My one bro is looking for Quad participants....lemme know if you are interested.
  17. Click
  18. I remember guarding classified info and our use of deadly force policy...Nukes are a shoot first and ask questions later type thing...and I know things have changed at the embassies...Unfortunatly becuase of Bierut.
  19. Don't worry Paco...I think she moved to Canada..
  20. Thanks...Well Did I fire 6 shots or only 5..well punk?
  21. Ok...My point is though that states with the highest populations are the states with the highest immigration...Texas, NY, Cali, and FL....Those states tend to have the highest burden for their citizens, especially NY.
  22. Dammit...I missed my 1000 post.
  23. God I hope...Even as a squid on Security Force..I had a loaded weapon. ...
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