In all honesty Ryan Leaf could be the QB of this team but as long as they are winning..who cares.......Drew led a team to the SB...who are we to say he can't again.
Hmmm...Maybe it is the fact the OL has improved....After the Baltimore game I ditched my boy........My mistake......give this guy time...he's as good as anyone.
He is good...I bet the fans who booed him at the draft are eating crow now........Not giving Philly the Superbowl but they have the their best shot in years.
Dude get over it!...or move to Canada so you can get state sponsered healthcare and such. You wanna here something crazy like Canada...Try living in Australia. These poor fools pay 49% income tax if you are a high earner...then pay your their health care..In essence they pay for everyone else while being smart enough to get a good job (What I mean by that is the Aussie I work with spent 12 years in teh Aust. Air Force...Got a good job but is screwed)....Thank god for the overseas exemption fo US peeps.
I did...but Mcnabb was absolutly fantastic in that game......Reid shoulda took him out at half time...he took some pretty good hits in the 3rd and I'm sure Philly fans weren't too happy.
As much as I love Marv......His time was the Superbowl teams.......History moves on.....He wouldn't have been a good fit for this team........Now if you woulda said Marv vs Greg Williams...but I think Mularky was the right choice for this team now.
The god's honest truth....We could care less about Africa........There is no military or strategic/economic advantage to Africa......So who cares.....Just the way it is.....Sad but true.
Here's a few that I think are classic and some other good Sci Fi movies:
Alien and Aliens
John Carpenter's The Thing
The Terminator
Dark City
Minority Report
The 1st 4 are some of the best movies ever made.......The original Godzilla was a great movie.
Maybe because he gave up his MULTI-MILLION dollar job to do what thousands of others have. I served in the military and honestly...If I was in the NFL....No way in hell would I have done what he did.
As far as the X-mas tree goes...don't know...I've been here 2.5 weeks and was just happy to get cable and DSL hooked up in the last 2 days. I will look into such things.
Thanks man .... Merry Christmas to you too....I've seen dead ones on the side of the road....Seems they are a real road hazard here in the outback. Need to get a Bull Bar for my car.