Religion is an important part of American history...Didn't the Pilgrams leave England to avoid religious pursacution? That said......we have a right to the pursuit of happiness and a seperation of church and state........which one weighs more? My personal have to use common sense...YES...common sense...We are becoming too divided.......Things worked great in 60's and 70's and even the 80's........Too many activists want to divide this country into their views and use the Constitution against us ..... We all have the right tobelieve what we believe.....The common sense approach is.....Say what you want...Believe what you want...........but don't try and impose your views on me.
Now for you tools .... That says 1 nation under offesnsive... #1 god is ambuigious... could be allah...could be Jesus....could be Buddha...For u Athesists...You can't believe in some thing you don't believe in...So WTF is the problem people?