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Everything posted by swede316

  1. I like your thought process.
  2. Stay safe peeps....I was in Pensacola for IVAN last year. That sucked...No power for 5 days...Quite a bit of damage....looked like a war zone. I'll take the Outback or Buffalo snow anyday.
  3. You got a good point Ramius...But something like this will always spark debate...good or bad.
  4. Better watch out...This might get moved to the PPP board.
  5. Well there's always DCON...(just put it where the Kids / Pets can't get to it).
  6. So they weren't supported by the taliban?
  7. AHHHHHHH...But they are supported by certain states/nations/governments (IRAN, SYRIA) ....Do you advocate military force against them? Did you support the invasion of Afghanistan? They were a government that sponsered terrorism. So should we nuke Tehran? Maybe we should....Let em know we mean business.
  8. Exactly...hit the nail on the head.
  9. I did...If they get into the trap once...they'll learn not to touch it again won't they...kinda like the stove....You tell them it's hot and not to touch...but damn if they don't go for it....and once they do...Never again.
  10. Ok Hillary...WTF?...It's a rat!!!!
  11. I'm sure Nick has more important things to worry about today.
  12. Nothing worse than the steel swab...ouch
  13. Hey what's wrong with that?
  14. Only a few fanatics want us out of the Middle East. They make Billions off our reliance on oil. I've been there and they love the dollar. They may not trust us or even like us...but most of them tolerate us because we keep them out of the stone age....It's the old saying...Don't bite the hand that feeds ya.
  15. No it won't...but if you eliminate as many as possible...you minimize the ability to carry out these type of attacks or worse.
  16. Most Respected: Bill from NYC Most likely to become president: KRC Most Conservative: AD Most Liberal: Blzrul Most Artistic: ummmm no idea Best personality: tie: #89 & cablelady & aussiew Our Einstein: CentralVaBills ( for this post alone) http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=25951 Board Dreamboat: WTF? Most likely to read poetry: Blzrul Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: Blzrul Mr. Doom: Bluefire Perfect couple: BF and Cablelady Most likely to start a LAMP: Stojan
  17. OK...I'll check it out on my next day off (Monday)... Nick if it sucks...I'm flying to England...to kick your ass
  18. OK...Bottom line...should I spend $13 to see this or wait for the DVD?
  19. If's he's lucky he'll get a big chain pizza company...I'm thinking Chinese.
  20. Here's a look at a half-dozen young wide receivers who, for various reasons, have not played up to expectations and could be running out of time: • Josh Reed (Buffalo): After averaging 47.5 receptions in his first two seasons, Reed fell off to just 16 catches last year, in part because of injuries. But the former LSU star, a second-round pick in 2002, has suffered more than just physical setbacks. Reed has suffered mental lapses and also a lack of confidence. Last year, he was eclipsed by first-round pick Lee Evans. This year, the Bills chose Roscoe Parrish in the second round of the draft and spent much of the spring lauding his quickness. Many scouts always felt that Reed, when he came out of college, best projected to playing the slot position at the NFL level. He'll get that opportunity in 2005, but will have to step up and start delivering plays. Sorry if already posted.
  21. I think he means the Revolutionary War
  22. They firmly believe "Leave no man behind"....Nobody I'd rather have on my side. God bless them all.
  23. I have a new admiration for the DOI. I currently live in a Australia (a free country and 1 of our staunchest allies) but that document affords us so many rights other free countries don't have. I really like living here in Australia but i can't fathom some of their laws. The Aussie gun laws are horrendous. The way they count votes is odd. It's a great country don't get me wrong but nothing beats the USA.
  24. Have a good 4th everyone!!!!! Let's not forget what the 4th means and all our boys and girls doing the deed overseas...God bless and this beer's for you!
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