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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Man...I have been a fan all of my 42 years on this planet...but...it's getting hard to cheer for these guys. Only so much disappointment one can take!
  2. I agree...The Bills need to treat the Jets games now as elimination games. Beat the Jets, it's gonna be a lot easier to get in the playoffs.
  3. Wow...soooo sad. He was a hero to many of us playing HS football at the time and bigtime Bills fans. RIP Kent...you were one of the all time greats!!
  4. Australia vs. USA Friday here. I think this will be a lot closer than people think. USA defends well and gave the Irish all they could handle and beat Russia. Hoping for a close game.
  5. I'm drunk...but I'm pretty sure it's THEY'RE ...Just saying.
  6. Deport him!....and his nephew too!!
  7. Anything can happen...Injuries, luck, etc...If everyone stays healthy...maybe 4-1...then again maybe 1-4.
  8. Next months bill...Sure you're not hiding porn!
  9. Was a good flick..The bridge scene was a bit ummmm...Other than that...pretty good.
  10. A huge loss...They were the best of the best...Godspeed shipmates...Your loss will not be forgotten.
  11. Hate to admit but since I live in Australia, I have to go for the Wallabies and of course the USA Eagles. Was a good showing by NZ but they will CHOKE as usual in the world Cup Watched half the game before I had to go to an NRL game here in Sydney. I've got 6 games to go for 50 at my local A-grade club but at 42 I'm getting a bit a old to be running around with the guys.
  12. Thanks peeps. It's a lot of information to digest. For anyone taking the test in the future...Know the PMBOK inside and out, it's all I can say.
  13. WOOOHOOOO!!! I passed!!!! Does not tell you a grade but the I passed. Man, glad that's over!!! Beers will be flowing like wine tonight!!!
  14. Thank's dude...it's by no means required for my job but...more and more contracts are looking for PMP's...Heading this train off at the pass. Take the test is 13.5 hours...Can't believe I'm in Sydney doing last minute studying and not out on the town! I better pass or the Harbour Bridge might look like an inviting jump!!!
  15. Any testing hints? Thanks..haven't seen this one before. Hopefully I'm ready.
  16. Take my test Friday.
  17. Sorry for your loss Scott.
  18. Do I think the Bills will move. NO! All that being said...Today I turned 42...My only wish...for 1 championship for Buffalo...Bills or Sabres...Well since I'm wishing..DYNASTY"S FOR BOTH!!!!
  19. Ponder? A solid FFFFFFF- that early
  20. Bowers was projected top 5 before the knee, Hell yeah take a chance...Last time we did was one Thurman Thomas! Nothing's guaranteed in the draft so why not.
  21. Ditto...You da man! Any insight on #2? Bowers or Kaepernick?
  22. It's like when I put a grand on red or black in Vegas...Could go either way but damn you sooo want to win! It's a gamble but a gamble we NEED to get right.
  23. Ummmm...It's hard to argue against your logic. Not sold on Moats and would prefer Dareus. Gabbert is my #2 choice.
  24. If I was Buddy Nix for a day? I know I would not be envious of my position. One only needs to look at this board to realize that there are a million different directions to go..DL, QB, OLB etc. I would just have to sit down and ask myself what was THE glaring weakness of the Bills last year and my conclusion would be...ZERO PASS RUSH!!!! I'd fix that first. Dareus, Miller, Bowers? One of them.
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