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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Well...Atleast there's a way to figure out how many cannibals you'll feed: http://www.oneplusyou.com/q/v/cannibal_lunch
  2. Well...This could be added to the movie...Another Cleric says we (non-muslims) deserve to be raped or murdered...Another for organized religion. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,344409,00.html
  3. I guess this is what happens when we base our beliefs on 2000+ year old books written by men.
  4. Depends if anyone falls....If Rivers, Dorsey, Ellis fall that far...You have to consider them, Period! If not...Kelly or Jackson I'm sure.
  5. It's legal here in Australia...You actually have ads in the classifieds for escorts....Nobody pays too much attention to them. Everyone seems happy with it. It's regulated and taxed and the police monitor it. Not saying it's right or wrong but it is what it is here. After seeing it here...and really dosen't affect me one way or the other....I don't see a problem with it.
  6. War with Iran right now wouldn't be a smart move...Opening up a third front would not be wise. It would almost certainly call for the use of nuclear bunker busters to take out Irans nuclear facilities. I can see a one off attack on Iran using nuclear bunker busters but no ground war (would almost certainly require a huge war effort..and the draft). Any naval engagement the Iranians might seek would be over in minutes. In fact the first targets might be their Kilo class submarines and their air defense sites and their silkworm sites. We could easily cripple Iran in days but the political fallout might not be worth it.
  7. Good point...When I visit Buffalo...It's #1 Ted's Hot Dogs, #2 Wings, #3 Pizza, #4 Subs. Away from Buffalo (99.999% of the time ) Beer, Steak, Shrimp. But I may be heading back soon....Australia is getting old...Might be time to come "home" for good.
  8. And you know this how???
  9. Nice...Glad I bought the PS3....Now where the hell is SOCOM 4!?!?!?!?
  10. I tried to find the answer but all I come up with is the figures bought back, not out of how many. What I meant here was a loosening of the gun laws. It's very difficult to own a handgun here.
  11. "How many guns were around before the buyback? I honestly dont know and for the record I am pro gun ownership. But, theres a big difference in the study if 600,000 out of 800,000 were bought as opposed to 600,000 out of 8,000,000." Most of the buyback was semi-auto rifles and any handguns. You can't own semi-auto rifles here and handguns....what a pain in the azz!! I'm doing just to prove a point but it's a long process. 1. You have to have a safe ... Not something I disagree with 2. You have a 3 month probation period with a gun club....if they like you they recommend you for a license. 3. after they recommend you...you can get a license....30 dollars a year... 4. once you have your license you must shoot competitively 11 times a year. 5. after you get your license you cannot purchase a pistol for 6 months. after that 1 a year i believe. 6. at any time the police can enter your premisis to ensure that your firearms are in the safe or not out for any unauthorized reason.!
  12. "Aren't home invasions up?" There've been a few here......Can't really say whether they are up or down....but there is a serious crime problem here in Alice Springs...2 murders last week...1 with an axe...none with a gun....in a town of 25,000!!! The Chief Minister of the Northern Territory (our equivilent of a State Governer) visited here and was booed and heavily protested because of the rising crime. I tell you one thing....there is no fear of punishment here...they're sentancing here is very liberal compared to the states....not saying a change in gun laws would help but it wouldn't hurt either.
  13. Yep..Gun control working here in Australia.... http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/buybac...1455665717.html Half a Billion...Yes BILLION spent for nothing!
  14. I'd say Michael Moore should be fed to sharks but then I'd feel bad for the sharks.
  15. If they kidnapped my dog? A full scale nuclear first strike....but only after a SEAL team extracted my dog
  16. I'd tell you guys what it was but I'd have to kill you or more likely I'd disapeer....and I'd like to stick around. Blue lights? Maybe it was a Labatts adverstisement?
  17. Too funny or is it? I can see the Bills doing something like this...They always suprise us on draft day.
  18. Dude...I graduated from Florida State...but a few of my research projects were directly linked to what is going on at U.B.....UB's research is 2nd to none...All things considered....I wish I woulda went to UB.
  19. Swede is a nickname I've had since early in my Navy days....I was a big Stone Cold Steve Austin fan...Austin 316....Swede is always taken as a user's name so...I just came up with Swede 316...It means I just kicked your ass
  20. Never stayed there but I highly recommend the New York New York or the Hard Rock Hotel (off the strip). Both are sweet....For dinner you have to go to Delmonico's in the Venetian one night...You will not be disappointed (Expensive though).
  21. I'm actually off that weekend..yea!!!! I'll be up at 02:30 Sunday watching on my Slingbox.
  22. Hell yeah...Why not bring him back...He might be someone who can make the tough catch over the middle now....Sign him to an incentive laden and salary cap friendly deal and if he can't cut it during the preseason...Guess what? You can cut him!
  23. Professional Kangaroo Hunter...I get paid in beer!!!
  24. Hey....be nice...That's how some of us make our cash ....and you have one thing I don't have here in central Australia...WATER!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss the beach!
  25. No place is paradise....This town has it's fair share of problems....Drunk Aborigines being the main one....but that is another story for another day.
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