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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Maybe you should listen to someone who knows. Did I say it would be? I don't think we will engage in a ground war. My take, and this is simply my opinion...Isreal will attack with a surgical air strike....Iran may or may not respond...If they do...They will attempt to close off the straights...We will then engage in an Air War to disable their SAMs and ASMs. Then the Navy will clean up the mines and Kilo class subs. Any attack on troops in Iraq or Afgahnistan will be met with similar air power. Remember they have the same Soviet junk armor that Iraq had. They won't risk a ground war but reply asymetrically.
  2. Hmmm...How many North Koreans routinely blow them selves up as suicide bombers in South Korea? Zero. How many times has North Korea said that South Korea should be wiped off the face of the earth? Zero. You are comparing apples and oranges. The main difference between NK and Iran is that 1 million NK troops don't want to die, I don't know if the same can be said for the Iranian (Martyrdom and all). Iranian Qods Force commando's are the special groups you hear about causing trouble in Iraq and yes killing American troops with EFP IEDs. Isreal will attack Iran and we may be dragged into the fighting to keep the Straight of Hormuz open or retaliate if our forces in Afghanistan or Iraq are attacked. My prediction anyway. The 320,000 graves will be for Iranian troops not ours.
  3. Man you are funny! How do I look back foundly?
  4. He against virtually anything to do with guns. If it was up to him the only guns we would have would be a BB gun and maybe not even that lucky. The guy can't be trusted. He says one thing but voted the complete opposite. http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=3991 Asking gun owners to vote for Obama is like asking chickens to vote for Colonel Sanders.
  5. Do you think we will let them obtain nuclear weapons? Not a chance.
  6. Wouldn't it be funny if Bill endorsed McCain....What turmoil that would cause. Come on Bill...You can do it.
  7. I'm a big proponant of the 2nd Ammendment. It pains me to hear stories like that though. How in the hell does a responsible gun owner allow that to happen? I'm not a huge fan of Australia's gun laws, a matter of fact is I can't stand them, but the one and only thing I like about em is a mandatory gun safe.
  8. Typical Obama...I have been doing some digging on him and it fits his pattern of setting up things to benefit him. Excluding muslims would only benefit him since he is being repeatly called a muslim so naturally he should try and avoid that photo op. What scares me about Obama is his willingness to set up an uneven playing field. In his run to the Ill. senate...he had several canidates excluded from the ballot. It's fact. All of you need to do some research before you vote...don't but into any hype for McCain or Obama. Do some research and make an informed choice.
  9. It's kinda like when your favorite food is no longer available at a cafe and you have to decide between liver or a hot dog.
  10. Nov 20th 1988...Jets vs Bills.....Yes FANDAMONIUM...I did storm he field that day too..(Statute of Limitations..haha)...Never forget it because of that and the next week I went to Navy boot camp!
  11. I have no problem what Obama said in this speech...Alot of talk though...he'll be just like every other jackass elected. All talk and promises and no action. I'm not sure he's any better than Bush. Yea he's a great speaker but the guy hasn't a clue either. Winnie the pooh politics? WTF? http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/06/18/ob...foreign-policy/
  12. We have a winner! If I wanted the government to take care of me I'd stay here in Australia, move to Canada or just quit working period.
  13. RIP Tim....You will be missed.
  14. One of two things happened here...Since he was a felon.... 1. The background check wasn't performed 2. Most likely ..Him being a felon...he obtained the guns illegally. And he should be a candidate for America's Dumbest Criminals
  15. I don't have a problem with that. Any chance they snatch Barack Obama?
  16. That's the sad fact isn't it...The real question is how do we reverse it? I loved growing up in the Buffalo area....Still love visiting it...but man...as much as I want to...I can't see moving back because of taxes.
  17. Nice place but damn...Does NYS get their money?....8% sales tax, 6.85 % income tax and 2.35% property tax. That's 17+% of your paycheck...add another 22.5% for federal taxes and that's damn near 40% tax rate. F NYS
  18. I lived in Alaska (Adak)...but that was a military base...Anchorage didn't seem that bad too me...Quite nice actually...but a few drunken weekends does not make an informed opinion
  19. Yea...But it takes awhile and the things they get away with before they do drink themselves under is ridiculous. I can't begin to explain it. I'm in a foreign country and expect American style policing which I shouldn't. Funny..talking about it on FOX News now.
  20. Ha...I live in Alice Springs...You people have no idea about this. I would almost guarantee a years pay he was Aboriginal. That $750 fine will never be paid. The hippie tree hugger liberals have seen that no matter what happens short of killing someone these fools will continue to live off of welfare and drink themselves to death without any repercussions.
  21. Hence their 22% approval rating...10% lower than the presidents. 8 vetoes in 8 years...There is this thing called an override....If they thought it was that important they would.
  22. Kinda like they do with aircraft carriers now?
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