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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Including her oldest son...In the Army Infantry. McCain's son also served in Iraq. I'm sure they wouldn't support the war unless they truley believed it was the right thing to do. Hopefully we draw down in Iraq and get on to winning the war in Afgahnistan.
  2. Oh yes you do...Find me a major candidate that ain't...That is your mission should you choose to accept it.
  3. Ah that explains it...you're a Kiwi..Sorry..didn't mean to pick on your girlfriend.
  4. I think it's a great choice....I think America is ready for a woman P/VP. I think Obama missed the guaranteed win by not picking Hillary. Again the Dems have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
  5. Neo-Nazis, Rush Limbaugh, and sheep? What does Obama have to do with New Zealand?
  6. Yep, that and gun control...Obama must be defeated.
  7. No..I'm not an idiot...well some would digress...The point I'm trying to make is that you have to be rich to run for office. Me or you might have some serious credentials but could never run for office simply because of income.
  8. In all seriousness...Public school. Look at this simple little converation we are having. Religion is so devisive. I'm not a super religious person so I could care less.
  9. Oh yee of no sense of humor. I'm sorry to burst your bubble Muhammed
  10. Ok maybe the East Coast of FLA was a bad example...Still most Florida hurricanes occur in the Gulf of Mexico.
  11. Huh? Go back to Iran Obama...I mean Osama
  12. Wow...How's that different from alot of us (politics aside)...Alot of us have accomplished masters degrees from top universities, served in the military, led companies, and help the community. I bet many of us here are more qualified than Obama to lead the country but we didn't marry a hot chick who makes 3 million a year.
  13. Then it helps McCain...He's for offshore drilling...and would prove his point. We seem to only have rigs in the gulf which is prone to hurricanes. Alaska, California and the east coast of Florida are much less prone to hurricanes.
  14. I think you are insane for posting this.
  15. Huh? The war in Iraq is about over..We've won (almost)...Iraq is close to be being able to provide security for themselves and being a middle eastern democracy. We'll be out by 2011. Granted it's a shitstorm we shouldn't have jumped in but we did and it's a shitstorm we'll end up winning. Now let's finish Afganistan and send a mesage to the Putin's, Chavez's and Iranians.
  16. Only if they don't postpone the convention.
  17. The plot thickens....
  18. He's banging her...That's cool http://www.news.com.au/fashion/gallery/0,2...07193-3,00.html
  19. I agree...It was a good speech but not one of substance...I'm not the only one who thinks this...We watched it at work and we all came away with the same thought...HOW will he do this...There's no substance to his plans..No specifics. That is Obama's biggest downfall.....He talks great but says little.
  20. I'd say something derrogitory about France but Sarkozy is cool and you cheese eating surrender monkeys seem to be coming around
  21. I also think if it is Palin...It's a masterstroke...It erases Obama's change message by putting a woman on the ticket and would certainly draw in some if not most of Hillary's crowd and it would highlight what I think is Obama's big mistake by not picking Hillary.
  22. Excellent point
  23. I'd like to see him try.
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