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Everything posted by swede316

  1. The aready have it..It's called Insta-Check...When you buy a gun..You fill out the paperwork, show your state ID and they make a call to the federal data center...If you have no felony record...You are good to go.
  2. Hmmm...The Forrestal fire? Get real...The rocket hit his plane...What was he supposed to do? Jump out and grab it? Idiot. Crashing 5 planes...First time I've heard that...Have you included getting shot down too? Any credible link to that?
  3. Fair enough...What about Navy Flight School? Becoming a fighter pilot, landing on an aircraft carrier...Stupid people do not qualify to do that. I wasn't the most productive student when I was younger. It matters more how you perform your job.
  4. In English please.
  5. No...I just don't believe in every party line...I do lean right but not on everything..I'll even state what I believe in: I believe in a woman's right to choose (D) I could care less about gay marriage (D) Anti Gun Control ® Anti Tax ® Stop Illegal Immigration (?) Anti Iraq War (D) Pro Afgan War (?) What's your stance? All I can think of now as it's way past my Bedtime but I will continue this tomorrow. Peace.
  6. No just poor Democrats (I kid). I think what he meant is you can't expect government to care for you. America is a land of oppurtunity if you work your ass off, you will be rewarded. There are many avenues to get out of poor situations. You can do what I did and join the military. Onward and upward from there. McCain is real. He's been a navy pilot (anyone who has landed on a carrier has resolve and nerves of steel), a commanding officer, a much more experienced senator and has shown courage under extreme duress. I think his biggest endorsement wasn't from Palin, Huckabee, Thompson or anyone else but the guys in the POW cells next to him. If they had said he was a quiter fine, but to this day they stand by him. Says enough about him to me.
  7. Seriously pBills...How is Obama's better? But but he was a Senator for 3.5 years? Get real.
  8. All will be answered with the debates....We'll know for sure if Obama isn't great without his teleprompter or if McCain is a senile old bastard. Let's jest see what happens.
  9. Really? Who called them whiners? I agree with Huckabee. Whose the D-bag me or Huckabee? I'm not a Republican either. I'm an independant. I am for the anti-Obama though. The guy just does not seem real to me.
  10. Obviously you lack reading comprehension or chose not to read the whole thread. I know he sponsored 152 bills...but only one made into law...a useless bill about the Congo.
  11. Pelosi is a typical People's Republic of Kalifonia care bear that wants to coddle us all into her vision of Utopia..ie Socialism.
  12. Since you were too lazy to read the whole thread...I'll repost it:
  13. Name me the one bill he sponsored that became law...and it's effect on the American people...Seriously.
  14. All the more reason to vote for McCain...God forbid Nancy Pelosi running the country. Which she'll do. The speaker of the House is as Liberal or more so than Obama and I'm sure she will "guide" a President Obama.
  15. We'll wait and see...Unless there's proof, this is a crap story just like the McCain "affair" in the NY Times (which is less respectable than the NE)
  16. I liked her speech actually. I knew probably as much as you about her before she was picked. I lived in Alaska way back from 89-91 but never heard of her. In politics its punch and counter-punch. I think she did a good job of counter-punching Obama. What you all fail to realize is she has energized a lethargic conservative base to McCain. Not saying McCain will win but it's gonna be a fun ride til November 4th.
  17. Oh really? Which one was that? Was it one he actually showed up and voted for? I could only find this gem that has actually made it into law of the 152 he has sponsored. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/D?d1.../temp/~bd2Ngn:: Not sure how this helps me or you unless you are in the Congo, but last time I checked the Congo wasn't a part of the USA. Keep believing the hype.
  18. What? It was the biggest show thus far with his Mount Olympus set up at Mile High. Hell he even moved his show to Mile High Stadium from the Pepsi Center like the Rolling Stones would have. Obama has not accomplished one frieking thing while a Senator. He's nothing but a smooth talking Harvard lawyer. If you want a Democratic puppet of a president to stamp everything that comes accross his desk from a Nancy Pelosi run congress then this country is At least with McCain we'll have a check and balance between the executive and legislative branches.
  19. Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering....Release your anger, Angry Left!!! You gotta admit that was classic...We were rolling at lunch today when we watched it at work.
  20. This guy is an absolute ass! http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/08/30/mo...-god-in-heaven/ I lived through Hurricane Ivan back in 2004...There were deaths and I remember being without power and water for 3 or 4 days and lots of damage. People lost homes and businesses. For him to say such a thing is truley classless.
  21. Ok...Neither have alot of experience....Maybe the ticket should be Biden/Obama vs. McCain/Palin. The last thing the country needs is more lawyers
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