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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Dude...Your name should be Exiled to Idiotville...You're retarded, seriously. The accident is captured on film and shown as part of fire fighting training in the Navy. There is now way McCain could have been the cause of the accident. NO WAY!!!!! I don't know what is worse, your sickening manlove crush on Obama or your hatred of McCain.
  2. Pelosi is the worst liberal on the planet. I hate Obama but I would vote for him hands down over Pelosi. The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia could fall into the ocean and my only wish would be Pelosi was at home when it does.
  3. This is fairly disturbing....Many people here are pretty disgusted with the little bastard. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,432085,00.html "A blank-faced 7-year-old boy broke into a popular Outback zoo, fed a string of animals to the resident crocodile and bashed several lizards to death with a rock, the zoo's director said Friday."
  4. McCain better watch...Obama might sue him: Obama Campaign Threatens Legal Action Over NRA Ads- Campaign and DNC Launch Assault On First Amendment! "Earlier this week, NRA-PVF released a series of radio and television spots to educate gun owners and sportsmen about Barack Obama's longstanding anti-gun record. In response to the NRA-PVF ads, a clearly panicked Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are doing everything they can to hide Obama's real record by mounting a coordinated assault on the First Amendment. They have gone to desperate and outrageous lengths to try to silence your NRA by bullying media outlets with threats of lawsuits if they run NRA-PVF's ads. They have sent intimidating cease and desist letters to cable operators and television stations, threatening their FCC licenses if they run the ads." http://www.nraila.org/ Obama's a typical lawyer and typical of his strong arm tactics and his will to do anything to get elected.
  5. I'm seriously the anti-Messiah errrr I mean anti-Obama but I'm beginning to agree with you. I'd rather see a 3rd term of George Bush or for that matter...Bill Clinton We Are DOOMED!
  6. Yep...But what you fail to realize is the short attention span of 90% of America. This is the big story this week but if it's solved say next week...What's the next big story to sway opinion. I guess we'll have to wait until the week before the election to pick a winner.
  7. And I thought you guys were bad... http://www.raiderfans.net/forum/oakland-ra...-message-board/
  8. Here's a fun little test to see where you stand..... http://www.barackobamatest.com/?fuseaction=home.options
  9. Based on the Map link above...I have McCain winning narrowly 270-268 Wisconsin. Ohio Florida to McCain Penn. Michigan NM Nevada to Obama
  10. Two Nobel Prize winning economists said Obama's plan would send the economy into a nose dive. Who to believe?
  11. That's what Obama wants to do isn't it? I don't really know to be honest. I could see Iraq ending up like South Korea, Japan and Germany. Iraq with a permanent US presense could be a counter to Iran. Bahrain and Qatar have permanent US bases and we little hear about them and Iraq could eventually be the same.
  12. I'd like to see the whole trancript from the interview, not some Aussie reporters take. What about this portion? We can all find something positve or negative if we look hard enough. Do you scour the world's newpapers just looking for anything negative you can find to post here? Seriously, get a life.
  13. If this gets out to most Americans..It seals the election for McCain
  14. Brought to you by MSNBC....Nuff said.
  15. http://www.foxnews.com/oreilly/index.html (part 2 is here).
  16. Here ya go (Well part 3 anyway, didn't see a link for part 2 but you can check www.foxnews.com). http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html...ww.foxnews.com/
  17. Yes Take this for what it's worth...You don't provide the other side ammunition. This is ammunition. I heard the Messiah talk today saying John McCain thinks you're only rich if you make $5 Million. If anyone seen that interview you would know he was joking. Same here I gather. But he said it so it must be true.
  18. yea..Looks like a cheap hotel room or something. And some uncomfortable chairs too.
  19. Nope but neither does the naval academy. Interesting tidbit on Harvard Law School...One of the professors is Alan Dershowitz...Yes of OJ trial fame....and one of his prized students...Eliot Spitzer...LOL.. Go Harvard! https://www.law.harvard.edu/admissions/jd/p.../faculty/fac-12
  20. Watched the first part of the interview....O'reilly is tough on him...and Obama finally admits the surge is "working beyond our wildest dreams"....I give Barack credit...He hangs tough. Should be a good interview in whole. http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html...ww.foxnews.com/
  21. Not before Bubba has his way with them.
  22. OCin...Why aren't you running for office? Couldn't agree more.
  23. Probably not factual or MSNBC and CNN would be making these points I'm sure. I remember when I was in the Navy the Forrestal fire was part of our fire fighting training. A horrible video to watch. McCain was waiting to take off..Definitly not his fault. As for being shot down..Maybe the Russian made SAM's were that good....Like the one's we'll face when we bomb Iran...especially if Russia sells them the S-400 Gargoyle system..We or the Isreali's will lose some pilots no matter how good their training and experience.
  24. Isn't the more important issue the one where she went to college? Actually tried to make herself better with the resources she had at the time? Stop the sillyness.
  25. Yea..I read that from some anti-McCain site too...End tyranny or something...I said credible site. 4 and 5 on the list are known fact...Still have never heard of the first three before you posted it.
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