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Everything posted by swede316

  1. It happened here in Australia...Canada too....Not too far away in the USA if you ask me. Soon we will have to pledge .."All Hail Obama"
  2. One can only hope....While not my first choice for president...He is WAAAAY better than the alternative (Obama). And think of the bonus of a John McCain victory...Exiled to Idiotville, bzrul, Molson amongst others will all cry like raising taxes, gun control, and universal health care will never happen in their life time
  3. Who are these people you speak of? I am way better off.
  4. How will you be ready when Obama takes away all of your guns...and ammo too?
  5. Ha! Remember, the Philly fans booed Santa Claus too...Santa Bad!
  6. Something you and me can see eye to eye on cheese eater . I wish it would be an Olympic sport. I play here in Australia and it's a great game. This may be my last year playing though. Almost 40 and the pain does not seem to go away so quickly as it used too. I do feel bad for the Australians NRL teams though, the French Union teams and the English Super League teams pay way more than the NRL. Lots of good players leaving here.
  7. I wouldn't say epidemic but the government says we are actually cheaper in the long run...You don't have to pay retirement or health care to a military or USG civilian if you use contractors. Never was sure about that math.
  8. Racism they may be..but fear plays a large part. hatred is the catalyst for lynchings...Fear is what drives the cabbie. Both wrong but not the same.
  9. I don't buy he is far far superior....What has he done? Not much in comparison. I am dumb..Pull em out and we'll compare idiots. Everyone loves to point out Harvard for Obama...Just saying they don't produce superhero's all the time.
  10. Fair enough...Then I guess the current situation can be blamed on them since every thing was good until now.
  11. Actually no...GW had a Democrat run congress that kept him in check for the most part. A congress that I might add that has a lower approval rating than him. I seriously cannot stand Pelosi..A San Francisco hippie in power. I'm all for the free market economy but my fear is a Pelosi run congress and an Obama Presidency would lead to too many Socialist policies. I could care less if Obama wins as long as either the house or the senate had a Republican majority but all three in a Demorats hands spells disaster...Checks and balances my friend.
  12. But do they?..What if you register online? What stops me from providing a fake name, license number or ID number? Nothing. Sure you face prosecution but if you are homeless or don't reall give a s*#t, how are they gonna find you? They won't.
  13. Keep drinking the Kool Aid my friend...Obama is not squeaky clean. This is the guy who used any means necessary to remove his rival off of the ballot in his first campaign. He's been associated with Bill Ayers and Rev Wright, etc...If you think he's a great guy you're wrong...He's an ordinary politician who speaks well and a Harvard trained lawyer just like Spitzer was. Don't put all of your faith in him. Be careful what you wish for..You just might get it.
  14. Speak for yourself jarhead..I like my job In all seriousness, the "Empire" will survive. The greatest threat to the "Empire" is this...Obama wins. The House remains run by Pelosi (god forbid)...and the Senate reaches 60 Democrats...Enough to stop any Republican filibuster...The End of Days my friend! I say this because the US was built on checks and balances...this would not be balance. Only the somewhat Conservative Supreme Court could stop the Dems but only after the fact.
  15. LOL...Yea right...oh wait..I forgot..He is the Messiah....What a crock.
  16. Shhh...He's not that smart...His real name is Exiled to Idiotville!
  17. So you admit he's a Socialist? I never said he was a Nazi or a Hitler...Only that it parallels their rise to power. A relative unknown who is a great public speaker with the masses following him without really knowing who he is and what he really stands for. That's all. Watch the History Channel program then compare it to some of the things going on with Obama...Kinda scary.
  18. Whatever...Show me some historical comparisions to Attila and I may buy your argument....Your Avatar says all I need to know where you are. You are just like your avatar, you refuse to hear or see anyone elses view.
  19. The parallels are there...Accept that fact.
  20. I never said he was a Nazi...But he is a socialist....How's that dumb? How about we don't want a government run utopia?
  21. Obama's rise from obscurity to prominance is not unprecedented. I was watching the History Channel today (The War Files: The Occult History of the Third Reich PT 2 - Traces the occult origins of the Nazi party) and could not help but be amazed at the way the pieces fell together. It was scary the parallels of Hitler and Obama (No I don't think Obama is a Nazi but the rest is creepy). Hitler rose to power as a great speaker during trying economic times promising "change". Sound familiar? The Obama Youth video can't help but draw comparisons to the Hitler Youth. It truley is nuts. This guy articulates it better than me. "And as I look at the meteoric rise of Sen. Obama, I see a striking similarity to Hitler's rise to power. Before Hitler became the leader of Germany, he was a relative unknown. Not many people truly knew what he was about, or what he stood for. But he could inspire people to do whatever he wanted them to do. During his speeches, women would often be seen crying and feinting. Men would shout and cheer, and hang on Hitler’s every word." http://cabe.blogtownhall.com/2008/02/22/wh...ma_really.thtml "Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat It"
  22. Just for fun...Here in Australia ...Obama is the big favorite to win...and no...No odds on an assasination. http://centrebet.com/cust?action=GoSports&...ev_type_id=2628 Maybe I'll put a $100 on McCain at $4.40....Go McCain!
  23. What are the odds? Is Vegas taking bets?
  24. Here it is...It's strange. Like a cult indoctrination. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=LSvBCBnulLs
  25. The rebate checks you speak of are for Oil Royalties. It's also an incentive for people to stay and live in Alaska. It's a difficult place to recruit new employees.
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