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Everything posted by swede316

  1. and it pains me that Kiribati is ranked sooo low...
  2. Brazil...At least according to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_count...P_%28nominal%29
  3. I find it interesting that people will not vote for either. It's a given fact that one of two people will win. Why not choose the person more aligned to your personal views that has a chance of winning? I'd love a viable 3rd party but right now we don't have one....I'm just anti-Obama more than I'm not a McCain fan but I voted for McCain via absentee ballot because I couldn't stomach the alternative.
  4. It's gotta be my porn site...
  5. He can't ..He just spent 2 million on his Obamapalooza victory party. If he is sooooo concerned for us peeps making under $250,000 why not give that $2 mil to us?
  6. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=mUuaYXO0ze0 Wow..This dude does not mince words.
  7. You mean California? Old news there cheese eater. If it was a question...there is this new invention..it's called a ?
  8. Obama's record spending to win the election?
  9. That's my problem with America today...Political correctness...It's ok to respect minority views...but not at the expense of disrespecting the majority. Call it Christmas for Christ sakes! Not the holiday period.
  10. Ok Frog...You got me...What would be?
  11. Funny how you miss things while overseas...I'd probably kill a man for some Taco Bell....For some Mighty Taco I'd probably kill 10. God I'd give my paycheck for a good taco!!!
  12. That's just wrong!!!
  13. Didn't blow himself up, he should have ...Woulda saved the tax payers a trial. Let's not forget you "dems" Demilitarized Demoralized Demurrer
  14. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=iVgAi4-LgCY Dave Chappelle is one funny dude..an oldie but a goodie
  15. What I find laughable is these fools counting their bigger welfare checks.....Obama hasn't won ...yet.
  16. Semper Fi Lest We Forget
  17. It did happen to my dog though..Quite disgusting...Ooozing puss that smelled like rotting cottage cheese...Had to have an operation kinda like lippo suction. The lil mutt is all recovered and happy now but not a good time when it happened. If it's anything close to that I wouldn't wish that on anyone...even a dog.
  18. I wonder which monkey these fools use to play the game? When I play I win by 50+. Go the Bills!!!!
  19. I've lived and worked in Australia the past 4 years...Does that make me a "real" Australian...No. This is a whole lot about nothing.
  20. Where is Mexcio? Ha. You really are a clueless f k aren't you? I don't think what she said was too off base. Northern VA is full of transplants working for Uncle Sam.
  21. I'm a big proponent of the flat tax..Why? Because it does not punish success. I know if I make $50,000 or $1 million dollars I pay the same as everyone else no matter what. I would also say no one making under the poverty level pays income tax. It creates incentive to do well while helping those that do not make enough to live. It will also simplify the tax code, reduce government (I wouldn't want to be an IRS agent) and generally make tax time a lot easier. Think of the money we'll save on tax forms alone.
  22. Amen brother! When I lived in San Diego while I was an E5 in the Navy, I lived in a poorer section of town (in between Lemon Grove and Downtown). I knew plenty of people on welfare or poor paying jobs. They all had cable TV, apartments, and plenty of weed. They seemed pretty content with their life and just happy to stay where they were at. Me, I've moved on to bigger, better things. No, no thank you...Please don't redistribute my wealth..I've earned it.
  23. One can only hope you have a retarded kid someday.
  24. If he outlaws yeast...there would be no beer...If there is no beer...Budweiser or Coors would make sure there is no Obama.
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