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Everything posted by swede316

  1. I'd rather have my wallet fat than me being fat
  2. 1. Reinstate the Clinton Assault Rifle Ban and other expanded gun control.
  3. I kinda disagree with you here...Training is important...Very important...Could money be spent more wisely..Absolutely. As much as I hate to admit it...I'll agree with Molson...End of quarter money had to be spent..ASAP...We didn't want to have our funding cut for the next fiscal year. Was and still is the mindset.
  4. Why not?...He's be skewered by the Obama machine for asking a straight forward question that made the Messiah look bad. The worst is behind him. A run for office should be easy now.
  5. How about the Orcas...Politically correct for you libtards...All inclusive..Black, White and Fat
  6. My turn to play guess
  7. Hmmm....Google Alice Springs and figure it out for your self....Won't say otherwise
  8. Yea...If I lived in Sydney, or Melbourne, or Darwin, or Adelaide, or ...never mind
  9. Who Molson or Surrender Monkey...Or BOTH!?! Booking my flight to Paris as we speak.. Molson...Where are you?
  10. illegal immigrant workers...Paid in cash...No taxes.
  11. Some sort of black market? Under the table dealings...Labor or otherwise?
  12. If this turns out to be a stupid answer, I will fly to cheese land and kill you.
  13. WTF is PNB? Hopefully meant GDP?
  14. Having taken a few polygraphs myself (for my job) one of the first questions they ask you is if you have any medical issues. An assault victim would have medical issues. Plus I don't trust polygraphs...It's more of an interview process than a machine determined outcome.
  15. Illegal Immigration? More of an industry than economy
  16. Why would you polygraph a victim?
  17. Ok...are you talking an industry or an actual economy?...They are two different things.
  18. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. Tortilla Manufacturing?
  20. You are correct sir...You did say that
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