But he is promising to raise taxes. By how much and on who is the real question. I will admit I make around $110,000 and I paid near $30,000 in taxes last year. That's a lot of free government cheese.
Don't count your chickens just yet. The only poll that matters is November 4th. If Obama wins..I'll accept it, won't like it. Just have to find a way to not pay the higher taxes (Chef Jim, any ideas?) and buy 10 semi-auto guns between now and January
Whoa...just watching some clips now...The ole tax guarantee went from $250,000 to $200,000..WTF...How low will he go? $150,000 like Biden said? What's next...$100,000? $75,000? $50,000?
Late money seems to be on McCain...Dropped $2.00 ($9 to $7) in 24 hours... What do the bookies know that we don't?
$7.00 ....Might be worth a $500 bet on McCain hmmmm? http://centrebet.com/cust?action=GoSports
That's the problem with NYS...Unions and special interests bury the state. Reminds of Australia actually...I've been promoted here to Project Manager and damn!! They pay taxes that make Obama's plan look miniscule and trying to get stuff done around union workers is difficult. Between their breaks and such and if you try and get rid of a useless worker you have to go to arbitration. Painful.
Fact: Obama voted to allow prosecution of citizens who use a firearm for self defense. Illinois Senate: S.B. 2165 3/25/04
Fact: "I am consistently on record and will to continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry" Obama in the Chicago Tribune, 04/27/2004
Fact: " Just because you have an individual right does NOT mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right" 2008 Philadelphia Primary Debate
Obama is against the Second Amendment...He says he's not but he's lying.
Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!
Correct me if I'm wrong...Not an accountant...But doesn't everyone pay capital gains taxes on the sale of stocks, homes etc.? I think this would affect more than rich people.
I can see Obama supporters saying..Eh..We've won...Why bother?...and McCain supporters saying Eh..We've lost...Why bother? I guess who ever has pissed off the most will lose.