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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Amen! :thumbsup:
  2. Scary stuff...I think you must be able to verify your identity...Driver's License, State ID Card, something with a photo issued by the state.
  3. I think the question is why do we need another agency, we already have Homeland Security, Military, FBI, CIA, National Guard, etc. and why would we need one with as huge a budget as the Military. A new agency that size would almost certainly have to be paid for by raising taxes...a lot.
  4. If by some chance Obama loses...I can't wait to come on this board to watch the meltdown...It will be EPIC!!!
  5. In all seriousness...I wonder if Biden is being paid by the Clinton's to throw this election...Nobody in public office for that long, can be that stupid as to be keep being re-elected.
  6. Actually you make me laugh...Are you that stupid? He wasn't deadpanning..He was confused. And don't call me Shirley.
  7. Not at all monkey boy...Keep drinking the juice...And I don't find Obama funny at all.
  8. You mean the 57 states...I don't think that was deadpan...That was a gaffe.
  9. Ummm yea ..OK...So I'm stupid now...Obama is the one stating a "solid" number and his cronies are the one that keep lowering it. I guess by your definition Obama is stupid. Get
  10. That's like saying there's no indication we had any idea about Pearl Harbor or 9/11. The chatter was there...We just couldn't decipher it. Well the chatter is here now.
  11. Honestly...It's legal here in Australia...I've see no ill affects....No one complains, no one mentions it. Seems ok to me.
  12. What's the problem?..You have the GI Bill already..What's wrong with the other half EARNING some free college money?
  13. Ah...yes...More incompetent babble. This place is Obama's dream...50% income tax on those making $75000 and above, gun laws that make Hitler seem liberal, universal health care unless you make over $75000. Yea...Get some facts first jackass.
  14. This is shocking..I had you pegged for a bzrul, molson type Democrat. To sell your soul to a Harvard Shyster is disappointing. To vote for Obama with your beliefs is sad. Maybe Rome is burning.
  15. And let me add one thing as to why I don't like Obama. Having traveled extensively and lived overseas....I can say without a doubt, the United States is the GREATEST country on the planet (I love living in Australia, I really do, but they have restrictions on some freedoms and nothing is protected by a constitution, but this is a great country). It is because I have seen a lot of other countries I know the US is the best. You have freedoms you take for granted that most other people would die for. By God's grace or just lucky we were born American. Barack Obama has been the recipient of those freedoms and has risen to the cusp of the US Presidency. I do admire him for that. Some of his tactics I do not...and I definitely don't like most of his proposed policies. He WILL restrict the 2nd Amendment, He WILL raise taxes, He WILL capitulate to our enemies. To me, he threatens some of those freedoms that make us Americans and separate us from Canada, the UK, and Australia.
  16. I was born in North Tonawanda...I left Buffalo when I was 19 when I joined the Navy. Been around the world and got out when I got offered a job here by a former navy bro here. Been here the last four years and yes..I voted...for McCain. Swede is a nickname I picked up in the Navy ...From the movie Heartbreak Ridge. The 316 part is I was a big Stone Cold Steve Austin fan. And now you know the rest of the story
  17. I think you can still do it in the US...Just depends if your bank will let you. Yes, it's 100% legal here and seems to be a part of the Aussie way. These fools have slot machines in half the pubs and OTB too! Yet you can't own a semiautomatic rifle or buy beer anywhere but a beer store or pub. A paradox these Aussies.
  18. I'd recommend two .38 wadcutters in the back of the head...Won't leave much bullet evidence. Deep six the gun in pieces in the ocean at least 2 miles out.
  19. I'm pretty sure the only sports book in the US is in Vegas. Looks like Canada for you....or Online.
  20. Ummm because I can make $5 online at a legal betting site. Why wouldn't I ask for better odds. You must be a Democrat. Let's make $1 instead of making $5.
  21. Ha...Unlike Mr. Obama...I've served this country and continue to serve (albeit as a contractor). Is it just me or does it seem every time we elect a lawyer they end being the ones in trouble? Clinton, Spitzer (Harvard Law Degree too!), Gray Davis. Hmmm ..All Democrats too! I wonder what Obama will do?
  22. 1) Constitution Party 70% 2) Libertarian Party 60% 3) Republican Party 50% 4) Natural Law Party 50% 5) Reform Party 50% 6) Democratic Party 35% 7) Green Party 25% Interesting. Like I've said..Guess I'm middle of the road with a thing for right turns.
  23. Even if he is elected...I'd bet $1000 he doesn't live to finish his term. We've had what 2 plots already? I'd hate to be a SS agent.
  24. DOOOOMED!!
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