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Everything posted by swede316

  1. And you can legally own fully-automatic weapons too...You just need a Class 3 FFL (Federal Firearms License) and pay the $500 a year renewel fee. So everyone is right...It comes down to the almighty $$$$$$$$
  2. God you're an idiot. It's really about chipping away at another freedom we have in the USA and the constitution. If someone wants to legally own an assault rifle..so what? I own four and I don't hole up in my home and neither do most gun owners. I know your comeback will be but assualt rifles are used by criminals, blah, blah, blah. If you actually read the FBI's crime statistics, they are used in less than 1% of all gun crimes. Do you know what the #1 sporting rifle in the USA is? The AR-15...Used by more target shooters and small game hunters than any other gun. Maybe someday we'll get lucky and you'll shoot yourself "accidently".
  3. I actually used that term today...I think I've been here tooooo long!
  4. I think 2012 may be ripe for an Independant...Somebody mentioned Ventura/Barr in another post...We'll see how popular Obama remains in 4 years and I don't see any stellar Republican on the horizon.
  5. I lived in Florida while Jeb was governor...He did a great job. Too bad his bro f*#@ked him. He would have made a great president. Maybe in 2012. Yea...I find it interesting that Obama only wins by less than 7% of the popular vote. I wonder if African Americans had actually looked into his policies if they would have voted 99% to 1%. That is an all telling statistic there.
  6. Nope...just don't think he's the right guy for the job.
  7. Maybe they figured he was their best shot at getting rid of Chavez. They shouldn't worry..Barry will just talk to him and he'll see the light!
  8. Well..The economy was pretty good 6 out of the 8 years. It only tanked in the last 6 months. Bad timing for McCain no doubt. Like I said...If it weren't for Iraq..Alot of the negativeness would not be there.
  9. Just calling it like I see it big kitty.
  10. Hmmm...Probably has more to with his campaign advisors than him.
  11. I was speaking of his first term, up until Iraq. It all goes south after that. Before that though things were good.
  12. I really think G.W. COULD have been one of the best Presidents ever...His one big mistake was IRAQ....Had he not gone there I think everything else would have been good.
  13. He's your man...That being said I hope he does well, very well. I just don't see it happening. I hope I'm proven wrong. Some of his proposed policies scare the crap out of me but hopefully he'll have some more experienced people giving him good advice.
  14. Probably because he will need it....I can see him driving around in a "Pope" Mobile every where he goes.
  15. Look at the pinned messages...RCow..Claimed a Kerry victory via the polls ...Much as you do. I saw the pollsters today saying Obama always over polls...Atleast against Hillary.
  16. Hey..What you two homo's do is your business..Keep the rest of us out of it!
  17. And what will you be doing if he loses? I think the suicide rate in the US will skyrocket.
  18. That might be the smartest thing I've ever heard you say.
  19. Peep this...Giant Spider Eats Bird: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,24540...5009760,00.html Man, between dog eating snakes and bird eating spiders maybe it's time the Swede moves back to the USA? And before I forget..Man-Eating Crocs too! http://www.cairns.com.au/article/2008/10/0...local-news.html
  20. Over here you need to meet a 10 point system to open a bank account, get a phone, etc. Maybe should be the same for voting in the states? Have to show a SS card, Drivers license, passport, credit card, etc. Each has a point value, say 3.5. Must produce 3 items of identity to have your registration approved.
  21. Playing with this, it does not look good for McCain: http://edition.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/calculator/ He would have to win IA, PA, MO, IN, OH, FL, and NC to win 275 to 263. Not unprecedented for a Republican to win them all but will be tough.
  22. You're not that dumb are you? There are these organizations still like the KKK and the Skinheads. Some of these wackos are bound to be in their backwoods Alabama cabins plotting away.
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