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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Oh and that 90% of the guns coming from the USA illegally to Mexico thing...welll it's really only 17%. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/...number-claimed/ "These kinds of guns -- the auto versions of these guns -- they are not coming from El Paso," he said. "They are coming from other sources. They are brought in from Guatemala. They are brought in from places like China. They are being diverted from the military. But you don't get these guns from the U.S." Some guns, he said, "are legitimately shipped to the government of Mexico, by Colt, for example, in the United States. They are approved by the U.S. government for use by the Mexican military service. The guns end up in Mexico that way -- the fully auto versions -- they are not smuggled in across the river."
  2. I agree...I think we are headed for a sh-- storm. There is some real animosity building.
  3. Holy crap...This might be the most sense anyone has ever made on this board..period.
  4. Yep..Keep taxing until there's nothing left.
  5. Well if the call was "you suck Blue" could only be Baseball/Softball. And yes Blue does suck.
  6. Sad news...RIP Mr. Silver
  7. HMMMM...It is an assault on a Head of State....And in islamic culture, a show of disrespect....F Him.
  8. $480 dollars...Hmmm should get me more than 500 rounds of soon to be banned ammo..Thanks Mr. Prez!!!
  9. I'm also fortunate to live in a "nice" area but my situation was not hypothetical. I live on the golf course here and one night a couple Aboriginal kids decided to hop the fence and try and break in. Luckily my dog went nuts and they ran off. Fortunately I didn't have to resort to taking my weapon out of the safe and defend myself...but I was ready to. You never know. The old saying "better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have one." rings true. You are living in dreamland if you think you think that someone wouldn't enter your house because you didn't provoke them. You seem to be affluent...that's reason enough. Hopefully you will never face my situation.
  10. Hmmm...maybe I'll pull an Obama and spend myself into oblivion...Atleast I'll have fun on the way down.
  11. I'll throw my two cents in to BuffaloBill...Just remember the Police are there to try and protect you and to investigate crime. Your well being is your responsibilty not the police departments. If some thug was breaking into your house at 2am who would you rather rely on? Yourself or the police? I know who I'm relying on..Me and my .45 The cops can investigate afterwards. BTW I didn't see the aforementioned article but did find this: http://southflorida.metromix.com/events/ph.../962113/content Oh yea!!
  12. Maybe that's why zero Republican members of the House and only 3 from the Senate voted for it. Ladies and gents, that cannot be a good sign of things to come. The Dems seemed to have all jumped over the cliff for Obama without looking at the way down.
  13. I think is the perfect excuse for Isreal to attack Iran....Iran supplies the new rockets Hamas uses and those new rockets apparently are now in range of Isreals nuclear facilities. I nuke the crap outta Iran if I was Isreal. Look at it this way...If Canadian rockets from Toronto were landing in Wilson...We'd all be demanding all out war with Ottawa.
  14. He was probably watching reruns of Jericho...The US was broken up into 6 regions in that TV show if I remember correctly.
  15. Just outta curiousity, what do you propose we counter new chinese and russian fighters with? I do agree with you that these "cost overruns" are BS. We need to keep developing new and technologically superior aircraft and warships...albeit on a fixed price contract.
  16. The Earth has cooled and heated up again ever since the dinosaurs. Climate change has been happening long before humans have appeared and I'm sure will continue long after we are all gone. It's not man's fault..It's a cyclical Earth event.
  17. Why not?...The Navy has been powering submarines and aircraft carriers with it since the 50's. It's safe and clean. The less oil we use for electrical power and heating the better.
  18. What's funny is I can see some of the libtards on this board saying this...or maybe I should say sad... if this was a true story.
  19. I think that is the most important thing I got out of it...No matter how bad it looks...I can achieve anything. just the self confidence from knowing you can't quit. Ha..I've been out going on 5 years and still live by that.
  20. After reading many threads today...I can come to only one conclusion..This country needs the Swede in 2012! Swede/Ventura 2012 P.S. Anyone got $200Mil they wanna donate?
  21. Guns N Roses - 17 years between Albums errrr Playoff Appearances
  22. Hmmm...Let's ban accidents first...they kill many more people. http://www.benbest.com/lifeext/causes.html#data_usa
  23. You can get a semi-auto AR-15 for around $900-$1500 depending on model and accessories...A full auto one would cost around $5000. Nope, not an everyday expenditure for most of us.
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