Oh really? Two of my brothers are truck drivers and members of their respective unions. One had to take a 10% paycut and the other 5% and a weeks vacation. It was that or both companies go under. The union had a choice...loss of all the jobs or the paycuts. Don't tell me union don't over inflate their value.
I'm confused too...I'm pretty much with ya above
but I wouldn't say I'm pro gay marriage...just I don't care about it one way or the other.
I'm pro second amendment also. Enforce the laws we have before even thinking about more gun control.
Just goes to show the old saying still rings true.."better to have a gun and not need one than need a gun and not have one". Fortunately he had one when he needed it.
Happy Happy Joy Joy...Obama will render us nuclear weapons free....He should be impeached just for that! You cannot be serious. I'm sure China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and India will just waltz along. Idiot!
Pelosi must seriously go. Obama, I'll give him a little more time. But the left wing cook that is Pelosi must go. California..Wake up!!...We've all suffered enough!!!
LOL...Ya know..After a long day of helping to keep the world safe for democracy..I'm glad when I get bored I can come on this board and have a good laugh. Chef jim..You're a funny dude. Bzrul..U truly scare me. You'd probably have all us of paying 95% taxes and praying to Mecca if you had your way.
By then the machines will have risen and taken over the world...Only if the Republican Governor of California could travel back in time to save us...oh never mind!
I agree. I've been to the middle east several times and its truly a case of the haves or have nots. Religion plays a key role in who has what. Sunni or Shiite depending on what region or country determines who controls what.
Ok..I'll play your silly little game...Usually..just usually when a "muslim" does it he/she blows something and/or themselves and something up. Maybe we non-muslims can't afford explosives?
In all seriousness... A terrorist does what he does to achieve a political aim. Not just to say I hate it here and I lost my job. A terrorist kills 100 people thinking he will get to meet Allah and spreading the Koran.
UT/HBK was the best match of the night....A classic match....The rest...for the 25th Anniversary of WM...I though was disappointing. Pretty lame actually.
Oh and punishment here....A F*&%ing Joke. We had a guy in town run over a guy (he died) on a bicycle because he gave him the finger..he got 18 months. And I can go on and on about light sentences here...Would make you laugh.
Yes Australia does...And in Sydney and Adelaide right now there is a rash of drive by shootings...Mostly Bikers gangs..Illegal weapons....Only the criminals and the police have semi-auto's. I watch the news and all the residents are in fear...Why...Well number one the drive byes..Number two..They have no way to defend themselves. Not saying you can't own a gun here (I have 2)...but it is difficult to LEGALLY own one. Here's the steps: (I do have my firearms license here BTW)
1. Must have a 100% score on a safety test (I have no problem with this - It's a common sense test)
2. Must an Approved Firearms Safe (Again - No real problem with this - protects my investment)
3. 30 day wait for the license (Don't like this - If I pass the background check and 1 and 2, what's the hold up?)
4. 30 day wait on purchase permits (Nope- hate this..See #3)
5. No Semi-Auto Rifles (Pure Crap)
6. To own a Pistol..See 1 and 2 AND Must join a Pistol Club...3 Months Probation and Then MUST shoot competitively 11 times a year... (Pure Crap)
But there is no Constitutional protection in Australia...and you HAVE to vote here too..or face a $100 fine.
Not all "free" countries are free.
Whatever..Like the previous two administrations...We'll say...Bad NK...Bad..Bad....We'll send you a harshly worded letter!!!!!
There's not a whole lot you can do to these loons, except maybe a first strike and nobody wants that so we're at their mercy.