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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Slaughter of Foreigners in Yemen Bears Mark of Former Gitmo Detainee, Say Experts http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,527868,00.html
  2. I musta misread your statement..obviously.
  3. So Darin should now apologize for slavery? Wow..You really are exiled to idiotville.
  4. No...I received a really good job offer from Raytheon back in 2004 and bailed. I now live in Australia and work as a Project Manager. I figure in 18 months or so it might be time to move back to Buffalo for awhile.
  5. I think he should have said "And please call me General, I've worked hard to earn it"
  6. US Navy CTM1(SS) 14 years NSGA Adak, NSGA Sabana Seca, NSGA Pearl Harbor, FCTC San Diego, NTTC Pensacola Ditto
  7. I haven't seen anything on the US news about this. http://bigpondnews.com/articles/Politics/2...ery_343694.html I think this is dumb but hey that's just me.
  8. Hmmm..Everytime i come into the USA...I get through with a breeze. Might be who I work for or something but the bottom line is....Don't be a criminal and you WILL have zero problems.
  9. Wow..I agree with blzrul...The end is near!!
  10. We can't summarily shoot this idiot can we? Stupid people will be the downfall of us all!
  11. You're not the brightest bulb but damn..What did you do to him?!
  12. I do...That's why I found this kinda funny (except that both died). She has to be a candidate for the Darwin Awards. It's just stupid.
  13. http://www.ktvu.com/news/19662465/detail.html Talk about not liking your owner
  14. Interesting thoughts. http://foxforum.blogs.foxnews.com/2009/06/...immi-president/
  15. I come up with closer to $2100 a month at 5.4% with 10% down. You also have to figure NYC property tax which is 10.6% to 16.8% depending on the property value. If that was the $1.6 million in assets it would be $160,000 a year on the low tax rate!! That would bring it to ~$15,000 a month. Granted I have no idea what her mortage or taxes are but just because she has $400,000 LEFT on her mortgage we don't know what her property is assessed at or the original loan amount. That is very important as we can see above in determining whether or not she is in financial trouble.
  16. And one more thing..Who the hell does the vetting in the Obama administration? Loser applicant after loser applicant.
  17. How so? You're talking about a nominee to the frieking SUPREME COURT....She should be above reproach. If I was $400K in debt they'd can my ass. This seriously leaves a person open to bribery or other such things.
  18. What are the assets though..Are they liquid? Just because her home maybe assessed at X amount does not mean she will get X amount in a sale.
  19. This all might be moot. She's $400,000 in debt and living paycheck to paycheck. "The documents described Sotomayor's finances, which paint a portrait of a New Yorker in an expensive neighborhood who may be living largely paycheck to paycheck. She has $1.16 million in assets, but $418,350 in debts, including her mortgage, credit card bills and a big dentist bill. Previous financial disclosure reports showed her with an annual income of about $200,000" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/06/04...records-senate/
  20. Yep...I'm here visiting for a month and it's still the same...except taxes are actually getting higher...Glad I'm a Texas resident now.
  21. New York....How'd ya guess http://www.buffalo.edu/ubreporter/2009_03_...vidual_freedoms
  22. I'll have to agree with DC Tom...If I shot someone in the head...He's done and outta the game..Now if he some how moved towards his gun or raised his gun hand...by all means finish him off, but if and only if, but that's also why you put two in the chest then one in the head. Saves you problems later.
  23. Yea if it was the KKK the media would explode, but since it's the chosen one, it's everybody look up in the sky, it's superman! What a crock. There is something very shady going on here and when the hippies realize what they've been asking for will eventually rise up and bite everyone in the ass.
  24. Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they've told you what you think it is you want to hear.
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