First I'll give you my positive thoughts on Sherman. A man of impeccable character. Has strong relationship with players, a lot of our guys were very upset(more hurt than angry) at his firing. He'll go to the matt for his team and they, him. He is a very likable guy. Has a tireless work ethic, and is very detail oriented. In his earlier years in GB he seemed to have a knack for haltime adjustments that just kind of faded away in the past 2-3 years. Negatives; he is notoriously predictable at play calling, especially 3rd down. I would get so pissed off at him, calling a draw or short screen on 3rd and long, and I don't mean 7-8 yds, we're talking 15-20 yds. Granted we had a lot of new guys on the field this year, but they sorely lacked mental discipline. Stupid (like high school stupid) mistakes lost 6-8 games for us this year. You can apply as much blame on the players as you wish on that one, but in my opinion, the HC is ultimately accountable for that. It is a common criticism in Wisconsin that he is a poor communicator with his staff. I wouldn't be able to confirm that, as I was not on his staff. Too much more than that would be more speculation on my part than observation. Just don't let the man near personnel decisions or your checkbook. I think his ultimate demise was the people he chose to surround himself with when he was GM. I always thought he was a great guy, but he may have been a bit too chummy with the players. He did an excellent job motivating the team at crucial times. But I'm still pissed that they seemed flat and emotionless in the game that Reggies number was retired. That is sacriligious around here. He does seem to be a consumate professional though and I'm sure he will reflect on his shortcomings, and alter his strategy accordingly. One thing that probably played a major role in his firing, is that the team did not grow under him. There was really no improvement during his tenure, nor was there any significant decline. The Packers made the playoffs and promptly lost. I was reading some of the posts on Jimmy leonhard, man I loved watching that kid play. Quite a story too. A walk on, and no matter where the play was, he was there. And BTW I think he won the dunk contest every year. His last two for sure.