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Everything posted by BuffaloBilliever

  1. Kirk Chambers looks great on that right side.
  2. Now we have 2nd and... 1st and 19. Meanwhile, it's 1st and 17.
  3. God Marshawn is good.
  4. "If I know this guy, this is a screen all the way." Meanwhile... the ball is thrown to the center of the field to Addai.
  5. Saying peoples names wrong, "Paul Poshtooshy" or whatever butchering of the name it was, long pauses, stuttering, a lot of "maybe..." and "about..." sentences, and when the punt was just downed, it was clearly around the 17 or 16 yard line and the commentator says "it's down at about the 22, 23... er the 18, 19 yard line." Somebody needs to put these guys out of their misery... Plus... No Moorman tonight? D.J. Fitzpatrick was in to punt, and Justin Jenkins started.
  6. The start goes to... Justin Jenkins
  7. I agree Jin, I saw quite a bit of zone blocking. I'm not huge in to watching the lines, but yeah, zone blocking seems to be it.
  8. So it comes down to... Keep 6 WR's? or keep 6 CB's? Possibly keep 6 of each and put Hamdan on the practice squad? :runs:
  9. Ellison will get some play time on 2nd and 3rd and long situations.
  10. Wait... Joe Horn was just cut... And I've heard of him. Let's get him!
  11. WTF is pregnant goose?
  12. Annnd... Boom goes the dynamite.
  13. He's a pure pass rusher. I noticed it in college, he won't bowl a tackle in to the backfield, but if he gets around him or spins off, watch out. Not a huge hitter but has wicked upper body strength, kind of a drag down type of guy rather than a plow your facemask in to the ground kind of guy.
  14. Didn't like the x-factor sign in the endzone... he's not the x-factor yet.
  15. Is it Monday? I'm unsure, there used to be a list around here somewhere that said when it was, along with second. Anyone know?
  16. Ritualistic... I have a 12 pack of Molsen, a Buffalo Ball Buster (Pousse Cafe, Grenadine, Blue Curacao, and Stoli's), pray to the good lord above, pat my Shane Conlan picture for good luck, sit on my Bills chair (blue chair with a Bills blanket over it), Toss on the Poz or Lynch jersey (Poz for Home, Lynch away). If I'm at the game, it's just getting faced then watching the Bills kick some tail.
  17. I'd say, if it were up to me, James gets cut at CB, and Fine gets put on PS, with Royal, Schouman, and ANderson getting roster spots, and McGee, Greer, Youboty, Corner, and McKelvin getting the 5 CB spots.
  18. F*** YOU REF YOU F*****G RETARTED MOTHERF***, A BLIND MAN COULD'VE MADE THAT CALL!. Apparently, the mentally challenged boy behind me's parents didn't take lightly to it, but in my defense, the kid was excited that I yelled :-\
  19. I agree with both posts, but Trent does need to protect the ball. A 5 year old could've swatted at that and got it away. If he felt comfortable enough that no one was close enough behind him, then that's cool, but he still should toss it in the 3 way contrapment when running 22 yards.
  20. To those who can read... Yes, we have them. Others just pick up the wad of paper on their doorstep/driveway and toss it on the fire for Neanderthalic warmth.
  21. Always loved the pre-games, even since I was a lurker. A shame that when I finally got to meet you you were so beligerent you have no recollection :-P! Haha. Just kidding, (sort of) but keep up the great work Lor!
  22. Damn straight. I don't have NFL Network, but to those who do, that's good news.
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