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Everything posted by BuffaloBilliever

  1. I, too, regret cheering him on. I did get a kick out of his face when JP greeted him. He had the "who is this guy?" look on his face. JP, still a no name. For now.
  2. I can't stand these players... I'd die to make even 750000 in a year, and this guy will complain that his offer might be, oh, 30 million? What greedy bastards...
  3. Anyone remember that the Sabres were picked to finish DEAD LAST by SI this year? Exactly. Go Bills.
  4. My graduation money was spent well, rather than save a thousand for school, I said "screw IUP" and invested my money in to a 500 dollar P.O.S. van. Looking like it had been tossed off a cliff in to a pile of ****. To me it was a masterpiece. I have spent the rest of the $500 on paint and stencils. You shall see the Bills Mobile either on here or at the Jets game.
  5. Kelso was good, and I still think Izell Reese has/had potential.
  6. Of all the "bubble" players or surefires, who do you think we will miss as a team or you will miss for personal reasons? Anyone who knows me here knows that I have worishipped Martin Nance since he was catching the long ball from Big Ben, so it should be evident that I convulsed with joy (and brain contusions) upon hearing we picked him up. He's huge, he has hands, and he can block. When another team picks him up and utilize the hell out of him, the Bills will be sorry, and I will be convulsing. Still. Should probly get that checked...
  7. Who do we trade him for? that's the question... Possibly a #1 reciever or a decent quarterback (since Holcomb isn't good enough for some people).
  8. I believe Nance is the future. He'd better not get cut...
  9. Since I want a surefire leader and not someone for the future (we need a winning team now, not when the LA movement questions come up). Holcomb. Just look at the win percentage last year...
  10. How about the low ranking for the Bills at coverage? Sure, Nate's comin' off a bad year, but when you have T. McGee and him back there, it surely isn't nearly as bad as how those bastards at ESPN have ranked them. 30th in pass catching? Eat me you fat piece of crap.
  11. Oh, since there are two #3's... I forgot about the Eric Moulds and "lack of size" thing. Maybe if he'd read in to this before blabbing his mouth he would realize that Martin Nance is 6'4... or that Aiken is 6'1". Sure they aren't studs, but that's some size my friends. NANCE IN 06!
  12. He mentioned the following: 1) A likely disasterous 3-way QB rotation that will be unsettled all year. 2) A miserable O-line that wasn't really addressed this offseason. 3) An unmotivated and likely disenchanted Willis McGahee 3) The loss of Eric Moulds leaving the team with no proven #1 WR and a true lack of size at the position 4) A retread, losing head coach that features offenses that make Mike Ditka's offenses of yesteryear look innovative. 5) A draft that consisted of very little immediate help, with two huge blunders in the first round. 6) A schedule that looks tough on paper and could lead to a history making 0-16 season. He said the Bills likely will NOT be favored in any game this year! Ho Ho Ho, merry dousche bag has just pissed the Bills fans off... 1) The Problem: I agree here, but a 0-16 season? Wow... after Chris Bermann put us in a run with the Miami Dolphins this year as top WC contenders. 2) Miserable? And it was addressed, screw these "experts" 3) Willis needs to get to camp, but he's still sick. 4) Losing coach? Hmm.. I thought he was Coach of the Year at one point. 5) HAHAHA huge blunders!? I could've sworn that McCargo was going early in most "expert mock drafts" 6) We face the Jets twice this year, how can we NOT be favored in at least one game? 7) Is he forgetting about the Houston Texans? That's what I thought... !@#$..
  13. You forgot the random diss of Smerlas too... Otherwise, dead on. Except you forgot MARTIN NANCE
  14. I'd like it to be patented right now. LONG BALL NALL.
  15. CUTS: K Nick Setta - Of course, Lindell is solid. QB Craig Ochs - Yep QB Tory Woodbury - Yep RB Shaud Williams - No. I believe he should CERTAINLY beat out Lionel Gates. RB Joe Burns - Another doubt, he's a good jack of all trades FB Jon Goldsberry - Yep WR Peerless Price - Are you kidding me? No... WR George Wilson - Yeah WR Jonathan Smith - Yep WR Chris Denney - Of course TE Brad Cieslak - 50/50. He could beat out Euhus (whom I love) TE Ryan Neufeld - Good riddance G Bennie Anderson - hooray G Jason Thomas - Gone G Aaron Gibson - No, he's a big ol' boy that'll stick I believe T Greg Jerman - Gone T Matt Morgan - ditto DE Eric Powell - Gone DE Mark Word - Switch with Hall, he's pretty good DE Matthew Rice - Gone DT Jason Jefferson - Peace DT LaWaylon Brown - PS OLB Wendell Hunter - Doubtful, he's a decent pick up, PS possibly MLB Liam Ezekiel - Who didn't see this? LB/S Greg Carothers - Who? Gone CB Jabari Greer - Good Riddance again DB Kiwaukee Thomas - No, he's a good player, he'll definitley stay as the 5th DB James Bethea - Gone DB Rob Lee - Gone SS Coy Wire - Sadly Gone FS Jim Leonhard - Peace Martin Nance and Fearless will make it, I don't think J Reed makes it unless J.P. gets off his knees in front of him. IMO the recieving corp should be... #1 Lee Evans #2 Peerless Price #3 Andre Davis #4 Roscoe Parrish #5 Martin Nance #6 Sam Aiken Roscoe and McGee are the best you can get (other than the X factor) in a twosome, so he'll be sticking around. Fearless and Lee are good at the top, Andre is a good player, and Martin WILL BE A THREAT. Aiken is good on ST.
  16. I still love the guy to death. I think everyones perspective of him not being in a Bills uni in a few years and possibly a Miami Dolphin, well that throws some people off. I, for one, think that if he is a good, heartfilled player, that he will most certainly have a good negotiation with his contract and will keep the 21's in the stands.
  17. With all the new players and so on, I did a little run through a franchise year to see how they fared. The Bills finished 2-14. Not shocked, I checked to see who won the Super Bowl. The Detroit Lions. A sign of the Apocolypse? Your Move Fat Man I hate John Madden...
  18. I like that 1 - 10.
  19. Who's tossing their Cookie Gilchrist!?
  20. Rivers will be tested as a starter. No doubt. Teams will put 8 in the box for LT and let him test out their secondary, forcing him to throw and change plays at the line. I, for one, think he has the smarts to do it, it's just the talent he has to work with that will get under him. It'll be nearly impossible for another hook up like Peyton Manning -> Marvin Harrison or Jim Kelly -> Andre Reed, where they barely had to say anything, it was a mental connection... but I strongly believe that it could happen with Matt Leinart and Larry Fitzgerald. The height is astounding, and the skill is there too. Anquan Bolden, Matt Leinart, and Larry Fitz is the next French Connection (minus the whole hockey thing and the french thing) Cutler, although he will not start this year, will bomb in the pros. I think he will be a good back up, no doubt, but to make him a franchise QB will be a huge mistake. Bash me all you want on that I think that he won't do diddly. Don't get me started on J.P. Dying franchise that needs to win now doesn't need an "up and coming' QB that hasn't proved much. Which brings me to Craig Nall... Craig Nall IMO should be the starting QB this upcoming year. When you have Brett Favre as a mentor, you are built like a tank, and you can throw the long ball (I have my Long Ball Nall sign already made for chhris Berman), you are ready to give a starting job a shot. His stats for what little he's played are phenomenal, and I say we put faith in him. I doubt Vince Young will start this year, but if McNair goes down in a hail of gun fire, then I believe Volek starts and Vince cleans up the losing season with a C+ grade. I"m done...
  21. Truth. There's a lot of naysaying on the part of the "fans", which boggles my mind because I seem to be (as my dad puts it) the only optomistic Bills fan to ever walk this earth. My dorm is plastered with Bills memorobilia and I have put up with getting bashed since I exited the womb (boy-named-sue kind of thing, my dad knew that I would need to beat some people up for the Bills in the future). What bothers me is the people who come here and constantly criticize the Bills, yet still consider themselves to be "Die-hard, unmovable" fans. I'm not saying they aren't, they just have to stop complaining and see what happens.
  22. Two problems with that. Vincent will be cut, but there is that lingering thought in the back of my mind that says he will stay ONLY to help out with Whitner and Simpson. I know Bowen could do the same thing but with 3 young safeties they need help. My problem lies in saying that Dan Wilkinson and Duce Staley will be cut. With the departation of Jerome Bettis (none of that "parking the Bus" bull), Duce Staley has been refered to down here as near perfect of a replacement as they can get with a speed runner in Fast Willie followed by the 4th and goal runner Bus (who, would now be Duce, who can also barrel through but actually gets tackled sometimes). Dan Wilkinson is another of my "wtfs!?" in this post. He's old, sure, but he's still got the talent to clog the middle. The Wiltrain will ride!
  23. I believe he dissed the Bills over and over again... I'm not quite positive but I've seen references to it.
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