QB: Ochs goes P-squad, Kliff wanders.
HB: I think Lionel takes a hike to the practice squad and ditto with Freddie
WR: ugh... Martin Nance, why did you forsake me? He's gone, along with George, Johnny, and Denney.
TE: Neufeld's time is up here I believe...
O-Line: I'm not touching this subject.
DE: Neill, Cooper, Powell, and Hall.
DT: Lauvale, JJ, Faafetai, and n' Brown.
LB: DiGeorgio, Courtney, Mario and Ellison hit the Practice squad.
Safety: Bye bye Coy. It's a shame I bought his jersey for the love of the number 27. Lee Leonhard and Baker join them in leaving. There's no way they'll ditch Mr. Simpson and Bo.
Punter: Here's where I call the upset. I think that... *drumroll*... Joshua Brazen gets cut!
K: Setta sucks.