Honestly, what was wrong tonight with the starters before the second quarter?
We have Triplett sacking the crap out of Wright, Schobel's beating tackles to the ball carrier, and Willis and Lee had huge gains, not to mention Willis's run that ousted last years LONGEST of his. Sure, it went downhill when the second string started playing, but I was impressed with them tonight. sh-- hit the fan, but what's wrong with that? When you're first string is doing great against this team, how can you be disappointed?
Take out Reeds crap interceptioin returned for a touchdown and the fumbles by JP, and we had a hell of a game with our starters. NO touchdowns by the offense except for Chad's catch, but take that away and we sure as hell won the half that mattered.
I'm happy with this, our quarterbacks did better than theirs, our running back beat theirs, and Lee Evans had a pretty good game, unless you consider beating Deltha O'Neal for 115 yards on 3 catches a poor outing. Call me optimistic, but maybe the whole 5.1 yards per carry compared to their 3.0 was good for our run defense, or maybe the 8.5 YPC compared to their 6.8 impressed me. The fumbles were bad, and the 3rd down percentage was poor, but I'm pretty impressed with what I saw tonight.
Rough that they lost, but who gives about the second/third stringers?