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Everything posted by BuffaloBilliever

  1. Nice Alliteration Senator
  2. Snap, that was insane. The one hander behind the corners back.
  3. I was actually implying more along the lines that they'd talk about "what's wrong with NE."
  4. IF (the big if) we actually beat New England on opening day, then do you think ESPN MIGHT actually talk about us? My guess is no. If anything, all they'll talk about is NE, in how they may not be the best team, pretty much degrading the Bills to a lower sense of self esteem. There won't be any "Is Buffalo the team to beat?" Or any of that... I don't get why ESPN doesn't show us any love...
  5. Yeesh, no need to be harsh
  6. You sure you want that Avatar on a Bills board? We have no room to insult the Browns, but some ingrates would gladly take their anger out on you. I'm ticked they have Big Ted... he was good for us and Mount Washington/Sapp was a nice tandem in Oakland, I just think that the black outfits tired 'em out too fast.
  7. Confuse the crap out of the new coaches in NY, have J.P. come out slinging in the no-huddle on the first day. Belichek is too smart and he'd just drop Junior and Vrabel in to coverage while Bruschi would come in and smack J.P. with his cast.
  8. I completely agree OC, we need a Wegman's down here really, really bad. Giant Eagle Blows. Plus, He recently caused a 3 car pile up at the tunnels around here. But, since he's Myron Cope, he got off scott free. No fine, they just let him go.
  9. I'm really liking Aiken right now. He's got the height for a second and he's got the speed and ability to be a great blocker down field.
  10. Reminds me of Myron Cope minus the Brain Anurism.
  11. When will we find out who the first cuts on the team are? I somewhat remember it being third preseason week but I may be wrong, anyone got info on this? Also, to make this a non-bland topic, who will be the first cuts?
  12. Good point with the first string ST's, I didn't see Terrance catch any kick returns and some of the spikers/so on weren't in there I saw...
  13. I'll leave it at this. If you can somehow corral the talent of J.P., turn him in to a slower Vick with a better, more accurate arm, then we will have a division contender in our hands.
  14. I just want to see Willis's run and Lee's catch again.
  15. Correct, imo, but I believe that Ashton is at least CB4 behind Eric King, he's better than Jabari. Well thought out, but the only beef I have is Gibson, they're tklaing about him like he's a god.
  16. and Jax beat the Fins correct?
  17. Anybody have highlights online for the game? I want to see Willis's run again.
  18. Honestly, what was wrong tonight with the starters before the second quarter? We have Triplett sacking the crap out of Wright, Schobel's beating tackles to the ball carrier, and Willis and Lee had huge gains, not to mention Willis's run that ousted last years LONGEST of his. Sure, it went downhill when the second string started playing, but I was impressed with them tonight. sh-- hit the fan, but what's wrong with that? When you're first string is doing great against this team, how can you be disappointed? Take out Reeds crap interceptioin returned for a touchdown and the fumbles by JP, and we had a hell of a game with our starters. NO touchdowns by the offense except for Chad's catch, but take that away and we sure as hell won the half that mattered. I'm happy with this, our quarterbacks did better than theirs, our running back beat theirs, and Lee Evans had a pretty good game, unless you consider beating Deltha O'Neal for 115 yards on 3 catches a poor outing. Call me optimistic, but maybe the whole 5.1 yards per carry compared to their 3.0 was good for our run defense, or maybe the 8.5 YPC compared to their 6.8 impressed me. The fumbles were bad, and the 3rd down percentage was poor, but I'm pretty impressed with what I saw tonight. Rough that they lost, but who gives about the second/third stringers?
  19. It would be nice to pick up Kerry Collins IMO. Any news on who picked him up?
  20. This is a true statement...
  21. Donte likes to hit out of bounds
  22. usually in my section it consists of 1) Drunks. Not drunks, but I mean, really really pissing off of ledges drunk. 2) Fighters as stated above. 3) Wavers as stated above 4) Men trying to run on to the field 5) Some idiot wearing a Randy Moss jersey, confused at the Bills - Jets game 6) Naked women (not a problem) 7) Obscenely fat guys sitting next to me. Don't worry, I'll be loud, I have to do my part to piss these people off.
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