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Everything posted by BuffaloBilliever

  1. A buddy of mine in Indy said that someone saw Peyton leaving a pretty pricey doctors office with his finger wrapped. ANyone who saw what he did on that play knows that with his finger extended like that hitting a hard-headed lineman's harder helmet is in some serious pain. My guess is that it's at least a sprain, if not a small stress fracture.
  2. Kelly Holcomb - Craig Nall is on the team now, and any younger, more able QB can easily get paid less. I don't know what kind of cap hit we'd take, but I think he should go... Shaud Williams - We'll definitley be looking for another RB this year, so I think we say goodbye to the midget from Bama. Daimon Shelton - Old, and way past his prime. We need a Dan Kreiderish blocker with decent hands. Andre Davis or Sam Aiken - One stays for ST reasons, and honestly I saw better producation out of Andre this year. Could be Sammy's last stay in Buffalo Ryan Neufeld - Don't know how he made it last year, but Kevin Everett will move down the ranks to 3rd and then when his contracts up he's gone. Jason Jefferson - Wasn't even on the team beforehand, but he'll be gone Tim Anderson - UFA this year, he'll be fodder for another team, we'll pick up another DT in FA or the draft. Eric Powell - Did anyone even know this guy was on the team? London Fletcher - So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn adieu... I'll miss him but I think the smell of green will lure him away. Nate Clements - With so many dead presidents waving at him, he'll pull a London, probably before London pulls it himself Jabari Greer - Hasn't improved, Youboty and a new guy will push him off the list. Jim Leonhard - Same as Jefferson, will probably be on the PS though. That's a long list, but I honestly don't see anyone else leaving, unless the Rashad Baker/Coy Wire thing happens and we keep a scrub (coughJimLeonhardcough)
  3. That is absolutely hilarious...
  4. I agree Bears fans are the true monsters of the midway, but no one holds a candle to the old Vet fans. My father told me a long time ago to never, ever go to any sports teams event in Philly without wearing their colors. He went to the Philly game wearing his old O.J. jersey and had bottles and cans thrown at him, threats against his life, and his friend was even punched. Any place that actually has a jail in it is pretty vicious country. I told him earlier this week that I was thinking of making the trip to Philly for the Bills game, wearing my TKO jersey and possibly bustin' out the "Break his leg Crowell" sign. He simply responded with "what kind of firearm are you bringing" (Which, I found interesting since someone said the exact words to me here). Vicious, vicious people, I go to IUP and most of them are Eagles fans. They've started fights, and they didn't end peacefully.
  5. Ugh I can't stand waiting for the draft so people will stop talking about it...
  6. That would be impossible....
  7. That made my night, hahaha.
  8. Really? That's weird, cause Frank Caliendo took a shot at him before the Bears game 2 weeks ago. "Willis McGahee is going through his 3rd paternity issue in the past year. No wonder they don't expect him to block, he knows nothing about protection." Classic.
  9. One name. Daunte Culpepper. Washes away everything.
  10. That would be downright retarted. Pick up an OG in free agency, and pick up either Beekman or Mozes in later rounds. Have we forgotten that we picked up FIVE O-Liners last year? Merz and Butler are duds, Pennington is doing very, very well, and Fowler is just not that bad of a center. Reyes is a scrub but a good backup. Plus, who's to say that Villarial doesn't play another year? He's a great RG, and Gandy's move to LG turned out to be positive. I truly see no problem with the line, it worked consistently in the latter of the season when they moved Peters to JP's blind side and benched Reyes.... Can we improve it? Yes, but I don't know what the difference will be.
  11. Fletcher could use it for money, he knows he's near the end of his career. Nate might've even meant that he's watching out for his family in the case that they wouldn't want to leave their house and friends in Buffalo. Optimistic? Yes, but a possibility.
  12. I forgot to mention, part of my mentality rests with the fact that I own his game worn jersey, and that he's given more than heart to this team in the past.
  13. That made my night, hahaha
  14. Who actually likes Coy Wire? I like his mentality, he's messed up numerous times but his HEART is right with the Buffalo Bills... any takers on this?
  15. That gave me a good laugh... the 04 Patriots? Gimme a break...
  16. Yes, they actually are interchangeable. There were times when I saw even DE's at DT and NT this year (Hargrove/Denney).
  17. That thing is WILD lookin'. That should be our logo.
  18. Wait... was that a joke? Hargrove was a Ram at the beginning of this season and we traded our 5th rounder for him...
  19. Then we'd switch in the person we got from the Rams. HARGROVE FOR MVP
  20. Beat me to it Ganesh, they've been talking about keeping him for a real long time.
  21. What about the evident lack of pass rush we lost with Erik Flowers?
  22. They had a pretty great draft this year... McCargo will start, Donte started since day one, Ko starts, K. Williams starts, Ellison is a massive standout, and now Pennington starts. I consider that a great draft
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