Kelly Holcomb - Craig Nall is on the team now, and any younger, more able QB can easily get paid less. I don't know what kind of cap hit we'd take, but I think he should go...
Shaud Williams - We'll definitley be looking for another RB this year, so I think we say goodbye to the midget from Bama.
Daimon Shelton - Old, and way past his prime. We need a Dan Kreiderish blocker with decent hands.
Andre Davis or Sam Aiken - One stays for ST reasons, and honestly I saw better producation out of Andre this year. Could be Sammy's last stay in Buffalo
Ryan Neufeld - Don't know how he made it last year, but Kevin Everett will move down the ranks to 3rd and then when his contracts up he's gone.
Jason Jefferson - Wasn't even on the team beforehand, but he'll be gone
Tim Anderson - UFA this year, he'll be fodder for another team, we'll pick up another DT in FA or the draft.
Eric Powell - Did anyone even know this guy was on the team?
London Fletcher - So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn adieu... I'll miss him but I think the smell of green will lure him away.
Nate Clements - With so many dead presidents waving at him, he'll pull a London, probably before London pulls it himself
Jabari Greer - Hasn't improved, Youboty and a new guy will push him off the list.
Jim Leonhard - Same as Jefferson, will probably be on the PS though.
That's a long list, but I honestly don't see anyone else leaving, unless the Rashad Baker/Coy Wire thing happens and we keep a scrub (coughJimLeonhardcough)