Bills, again, are hit or miss. They'll either go 11-5 and surprise us all, or they'll sink back to 6-10 for some unprecedented reason.
The New Jersey Jets, with all their new additions, have little time to develop a lot of players in to their system. Yes, they've upgraded, yes, some will make an immediate impact, but with spaghetti arm or showboat handing the ball off there's no way they can win too much.
The Fins are in the same boat, except they also don't have an offensive line to go with the crap quarterback, nor a legitamite #1 reciever. Whoever is tossed in is going to need to learn a lot about the system and playbook.
The Patriots... well we can't really kid ourselves here.
Same offensive line, same recievers (minus Stallworth, who didn't do much anyway), same Tight Ends, same Running Backs. The offense is what made them, the offense is what will keep them great.
Their defense, however, is obviously aging, and losing key players. But with Belichek being a defensive minded guy, that should be no problem to fix... They'll either go 11-5 or 15-1