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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Way too late. Bernie has too much populace support. Be a mutiny in the party if they tried to swap out one establishment dweeb for another
  2. Seriously what was this mass murdering, etnic supremist thinking?
  3. Agree, after one partial season, no way tyrod deserves 2nd tier "Good" rank. And did you bother looking at his record? Fitzpatrick belongs in "suck", and as many have pointed out a number in suck deserve "good" or "average"
  4. wow...even Clinton News Network is getting on her (a little anyway).
  5. the only way that makes sense is if they think the more time Billary goes head to head w/ Trump, the more ground she loses. And theyre just trying to minimize it. Who knows, could be. Just finding it somewhat inexplicable how Bernie is still hanging around, not backing off. The other explanation is he does the truly ballsy thing and decides to run as independent. Which begs the non-obvious question: does he take more votes from trump or Hillary? Since id likely vots for trump, but would consider bernie, and never Billary...the only potential in my case is he takes a vote from trump.
  6. Anyone think Bernie is hanging around racking up more States, because he has good information the email scandal may bring her down?
  7. what a scumbag, I believe most charges ... if not all .... are true. Especially when he paid one of them nearly $1million hush money, and got lying so bad in another he got impeached. it's a pattern we learned started way back in college Eileen Wellstone As a 19-year old student at Oxford in 1969, Wellstone filed a complaint of sexual assault against Bill Clinton. Paula Jones In May 1994, former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones filed a civil suit accusing Bill Clinton of “sexually harassing and assaulting” her three years earlier. According to the lawsuit, after inviting Jones into his hotel room, Clinton exposed himself and propositioned her with “unwanted sexual advances.” The search for evidence in the case led Jones’s legal team to discover the Monica Lewinsky affair that eventually resulted in Clinton’s impeachment. Clinton denied the allegations, but eventually paid Jones $850,000 to drop the lawsuit. He never publicly apologized or admitted wrongdoing. Monica Lewinsky Lewinsky first became sexually involved with Bill Clinton while she was a 21-year-old White House intern in 1995. After moving to a position at the Pentagon in 1996, Lewinsky shared details of her relationship with the president with a co-worker named Linda Tripp, who secretly recorded the conversations and gave the tapes to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. Clinton had denied that he had had sexual relations with Lewinsky in a deposition in the Jones case, and was eventually impeached over his efforts to conceal the affair. He was later acquitted by the Senate. During the scandal, Hillary Clinton reportedly referred to Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon.”
  8. Heres a quick refresher on a few of the Clinton sex scandals that seem likely to be dredged up in the months to come: http://www.salon.com/2016/05/10/the_women_who_accused_bill_clinton_a_primer_on_the_sex_scandals_that_donald_trump_wont_stop_taunting_hillary_about/
  9. There's no reason to think otherwise: - same anemic offense - defense improvement rests on a pair of rookies
  10. I think over the course of the campaign it proved to be an effective strategy on his part. Hes known as the straight shooter of either primary, and taken that %@$% Hillary a lot deeper than anyone thought
  11. Superdelegates Risk a Third Political Party if Bernie Sanders Isnt the Democratic Nominee http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/superdelegates-third-political-party-bernie-sanders_b_9867194.html
  12. Looks like each conference should have their own "America's Team" Smart move by the marketing genius goodell!
  13. Meet Your New National Mammal, the American Bison The enormous beast joins the bald eagle as an official symbol of the U.S. http://time.com/4323443/bison-new-american-national-mammal/
  14. The Hill probably spends more time with Huma than she does with Bill. Damn near impossible she has zero influence.
  15. Negative vakue to the tune of millions a year...as it would cost millions less to find a replacement for his production
  16. Saw that Hillary's long time Chief of staff Huma Abedin got interviewed by the feds in probe of Hillary's email scandal. Got me wondering just how much her influence is seen in Hillary's platform; Huma was raised in Saudi Arabia. In a leaked state department memo, Hillary said Suadi Arabia was the largest contributor to Sunni terrorists worldwide. Yet the clinton foundation openly accepts millions in donations of saudi money, and Hillary championed the sale of arms to them....hmmmm. When in office as senator and secretary of state she actively supported intervention against long time Saudi foes saddam in Iraq, gaddafi in lybia, and, of course the biggest prize of all, Assad, the secular but Shiite affiliated leader of Syria.
  17. Americans will vote for Donald Trump just to stop Hillary Clinton http://nypost.com/2016/05/06/americans-will-vote-for-donald-trump-just-to-stop-hillary-clinton/
  18. Anyone think he picks a female VP to soften his image, cut into Hillary's base of support, and convey a diversified team? If so who are the candidates?
  19. US Judge: Clinton may be ordered to testify in records case A federal judge said Wednesday he may order Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton to testify under oath about whether she used a private email server as secretary of state to evade public records disclosures. That raises the possibility that Clinton could be ordered to testify in the midst of the presidential race. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/05/04/us-judge-clinton-may-be-ordered-to-testify-in-records-case.html
  20. apparently they thought the plane was being diverted from landing in US after Trump was announced the presumptive nominee
  21. What a hack this guy turned out to be. And what about Fiorina? Lol only candidate ever to lose twice in the same primary.
  22. Neither did UN inspector Hans Blix, nor Joe Wilson, who wife got outed by Cheney as CIA agent after Wilson publicly questioned the "evidence"
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