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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. I wonder how much time rookie Peterson saw in cards secondary. One thing in cam's favor he certainly has the moxie and media interest to counter Brady and sanchez IF he performed on the field.
  2. Assume panthers take luck, I don't see Denver taking cam because it would have been 2 first rounders in row on qb and elway only soured on Tebow months later in pre season. Would broncos have traded 2nd overall to someone who wanted cam? On defense they really wanted miller and if miller were now there at 3 expectation would be 3 - 4 bills take him. My guess they take miller and bills take cam. I'd say the latter would have been a given Are we better off with cam or dareus? I forecast dareus. I like a strong defense and someone on the line who gets double teams off Williams. I know cam had a very good debut but I'm of the view that was in large part due to sloppy defense in a shortened pre season that played into the hands of a scrambler. I think over time he will cool and dareus's value will only become more apparent. But neither is a given. Because luck didn't come out dareus and newtons careers bear comparison for what might have been for the bills.
  3. The play was behind Stevie. He had no idea where the ball was. His assignment was to block the deep safety. Berry saw Stevie the whole way it wasn't a blind hit. It was perfectly legal and clean. KC fans need to figure out why they got ripped at home in all phases instead of crying over this
  4. You can play that game with any injury where the player was untouched. So you really think welkers tear was coincidental to the block he engaged with the strong safety the play before?
  5. Buffalo 66' Although the dance scene to king crimson's moon child was a neat surprise
  6. Neal is known for multiple wives and kids and having some kind of love sickness. He never was much of a rock star anyway she could have at least banged a legit one like Joe perry. Speaking of perry thankfully Steve lady arms perry did everyone a favor and retired. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_X3X-pfQGdZI/TP2TxdQeAoI/AAAAAAAAALI/OFwFJEsmXZM/s1600/steve%2Bperry%2Blive.jpg I find journey much more listenable with his filipino replacement
  7. Not even close. In a front on tackle, defender got his helmet on mcgahees knee and drove it backwards, in the exact opposite direction the knee is designed to move. The replay clearly showed the knee bending. Mcgahee immediately went down, stayed down and was carted off the field.
  8. That he got Right up after speaks volumes. You tear up a knee like that and you stay on ground po'd writhing in pain like Welker. Again why doesn't berry publicly speak on this? Because he doesn't want to seem fragile by admitting no one touched him when it was really injured?
  9. After seeing sj's block it's highly unlikely that caused the injury. Berrys foot isn't planted. There's very little lateral stress placed on the knee joint. Why doesn't berry speak publicly and clear this up?
  10. Since brady said he has no problem with Chad and the only opinions that matter are the people in the locker room that puts Teddy bear in the role of potential trouble maker
  11. "if" Teddy retired when he should have "then" pats may not have given up 32 pts in 2nd half afc championship against colts. "if" their defense hadn't had the epic collapse "then" pats could have beaten Rex grossmans bears in the super bowl that year. Lol gotta love Teddy bear pancaked by right guard on colts go ahead run. Start watching from 1:10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=conw2AykCXA
  12. His physiques a bit odd looking but he gets out of his stance real quick. Couldn't help but note how the 2 "dummies" he went off on resembled Brady and Welker.
  13. For a foreign indy movie "Osama" set in afghanistan is highly recommended. Won 2004 golden globe for best foreign language film
  14. Field of Dreams Not depressing but emotively sad.
  15. I'm thinking his agent forced the extension. As in you're asking my client to change position which will take a year of adjustment during which time his value will decline. Either pay him or trade him to a team that values him as an end now. Not a bad case and it seems like he is developing into a physical Playmaking olb
  16. I'm that case Bruschi ought to be blasting himself for hanging around past his prime and getting buried on rookie addai's 4th qtr running play up the middle that sent colts to super bowl vs bears and pats home packing.
  17. Brady was asked and he said he has no problem with Chad. That the only opinions that matter are the ones in the locker room. By implication brushci doesn't matter since he's not a player any more.
  18. Lol ironic goes off on ocho for public cornments same day Brady encourages fans to drink heavily. Hey Teddy bear wheres the venom for brady? Crickets
  19. I hate Bruschi and will turn espn when he comes on. If Brady had done some thing similar Bruschi would have been chatting up what a leader he is "giving credit to his team mates " Bruschi keeps trying to sell this image of the of hard working, repectful pats quietly doing their jobs. And he's taking on the mantle of protecting their legacy. Like the guy video taping jets signal calls on the sidelines LOL. He certainly tried to maintain a low profile and didn't welcome all the added attention
  20. Soprano what a tool. Scape goats a player for the coaches call bringing the safeties up and tell them to undercut routes trying to force a turn over. Fins coaches also had that horrible pass call on 4th and inches at the goal line. Soprano is a fool and Sapp is a good player. I hope this move turns fins locker room against him. Id rather bills pick up sapp than former pats damaged goods Wheatley On behalf of the entire Sapp family I say "FU Soprano"
  21. Porks what you have does it preclude you from sports activity?
  22. I knew someone diagnosed with irregular heart beat on her 20s. She's in 50s now and fine. Hopefully for Marcus its nothing worse than that.
  23. It's not a guess it's someone purposely messing around. iF HE HAS SARS CDC WOULD BE ALL OVER BUFFALO AND QUARANTINE the place
  24. That's someone messing around. According to wikis own write up SARS "As of today, the spread of SARS has been fully contained, with the last infected human case seen in June 2003 (disregarding a laboratory induced infection case in 2004)."
  25. We know it wasn't substance abuse as that violates league policy and it's made public, we can assume it's not something inherited like asthma which is not something gailey would shy away from discussing, which most likely leaves something embaressinf he brought on himself. If only the national sports media paid attention to the bills we'd know by now!
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