Well maybe a little above average but that's splitting hairs, my point is he's not someone who strikes fear in opposing defenses as a threat to take off and run, beat you with his legs, or known to actually thrive when the play breaks down.
Versus the league on that criteria, +1 = he's better, 0 = about the same, -1 not as good.
Sanchez -1
Brady 1
Henne 1
Flacco 1
Ben -1
McCoy -1
Dalton 0
Collins 1
Hasselback -1
Schaub 1
Gabbert 0
Orten 1
Campbell 1
Rivers 0
Cassell 1
Manning 1
Vick -1
Romo -1
Grossman 1
Newton -1
Ryan 1
Freeman 0
Brees -1
Mcnabb -1
Cutler -1
Rodgers -1
Stafford 0
Smith 0
Kolb -1
Jackson -1
Bradford -1
If I summed correctly hes -3 which is pretty much average. Change a half dozen names to positive and he's still pretty average. that's all I'm saying