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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Simms made a good point about Bellichick defense not letting Tyrod outside the pocket. Everyone keeps focusing on the matchup of our D against their O, but our O versus their D deserves as much attention
  2. D(bag)Man from Cleveland The New England Patriots hammer the Buffalo Bills at home to remain undefeated...Patriots coach Bill Belichick and QB Tom Brady no doubt are insulted that the spread isn't two touchdowns. Patriots, 30-10. http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2015/11/dmans_nfl_picks_week_11_new_en.html
  3. As they say "todo menos el oink"
  4. You mean there isn't a Bills bar in KL?
  5. in general, why is it our D-Line doesnt take advantage of injury-riddled offensive lines like theyre expected to?
  6. where's your outrage over these breaking news stories? Israel Approves Another 454 Settlement Homes in Occupied East Jerusalem http://news.antiwar.com/2015/11/17/israel-approves-another-454-settlement-homes-in-east-jerusalem/ Russian FM: US deliberately sparing Islamic State seeking to weaken Assadhttp://tass.ru/en/politics/837181 Francois Hollande's 'war' with Isis won't stand in the way of France's arms deals with Saudi ArabiaDespite the President's huffing and puffing about war the spiritual mentors of the militants will be left untouched http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/francois-hollandes-war-with-isis-wont-stand-in-the-way-of-frances-arms-deals-with-saudi-arabia-a6738546.html
  7. Looks like they photo shopped his face on Giselle's body
  8. Why is he man of the year? For cheating and getting away with it ?
  9. Wonder if they were playing this song for him
  10. A traveler got a chili reception when trying to smuggle pork tamales into the United States. US Customs and Border Protection slapped the person with a $1,000 fine after discovering some 450 meat tamales hidden in the passengers luggage, according to the Los Angeles Times. http://nypost.com/2015/11/18/man-caught-smuggling-450-tamales-across-us-border/
  11. I'll wait to see how Football Baby calls it.
  12. Playmaker too, doesn't drop picks
  13. Isn't a screw insertion pretty standard for Jones fracture? It's what Dez had and he was back on the field 6 weeks on the number.
  14. Hadn't seen her fight before because im uncomfortable seeing women getting beaten up. But given the exposure I ended up seeing replays of this one. It was only a matter of time before someone with superior technique came along and dropped her. These bully types don't last long....like Brock lesnar.
  15. its this hypocrisy in the west of ascribing value to lives based on ethnicity, which also greatly contributes to the derelict policies
  16. Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom publicly stated that she believes the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was partly responsible for a pattern of radicalization in the Middle East. In a Saturday interview with Swedish public broadcaster SVT, Wallstrom said “it is clear that we have reasons to worry… to see that there are so many people who have become radicalized.” “Once again we return to situations like that in the Middle East, especially [concerning] Palestinians who think: there is no future for us, we must accept a desperate situation or resort to violence,” she added. http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/11/17/israel-to-sweden-dont-make-the-paris-attacks-about-palestine/
  17. thing is, his platform is pretty much main stream repube. doesnt portend well for the remaining candidates or the party Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says he's ending his run for president http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-trailguide-11172015-htmlstory.html
  18. Apparently she had plastic surgery too. Broken nose or jaw? http://youtu.be/tnL_zfoF0oI
  19. No, its more about questions, like ....why do we support "allies" who support terrorist groups? Case in point Turkey: World famous linguist Noam Chomsky has claimed that the Syrian extremist group al-Nusra has been a major recipient of Turkish aid and accused Turkish intelligence of selling out US-trained moderate Syrian forces. "Turkey is the main supporter of jihadi organizations, which are merely distinguished by the Islamic State [the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)]," Chomsky told a packed group of students, journalists and activists at Boston College on Saturday. Chomsky's speech was part of a conference on press freedom in the Middle East organized by the Peace Islands Institute. Chomsky is not the first to accuse Turkey of what many have called implicit support for radical groups in Syria opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Turkish authorities have been the subject of much criticism for the porous and loosely inspected border that has been a major transit route for Syria-bound foreign fighters. Chomsky said Turkey has been very resistant to attacking ISIL, despite a recent deal between Turkey and the US on the use of Turkish airfields for US warplanes. He added that the US claimed or believed that Turkey would join the fight against ISIL after the deal. "But they didn't," Chomsky said, recalling that Turkey instead attacked Kurds in Iraq and Syria. Chomsky's remarks illustrated a prevailing belief in the West that Turkey's agreement to let the US use jets from Turkish air bases was a ploy to go after the Kurds. Since shortly after the deal with the US, Turkey has largely focused its air campaign on Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) elements in northern Iraq and has frequently shelled Syrian Kurdish groups close to Turkey's border. Chomsky claimed that Turkey is supporting jihadi fronts in Syria, al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham in particular. He described al-Nusra as the main recipient of the Turkish aid. "Turkish support for al-Nusra apparently is so strong that the first contingent of 50 Pentagon-trained moderate Syrian rebels was immediately wiped out by the al-Nusra front as soon as they entered into Syria, Chomsky said. "And it seems the [al-Nusra] front was informed by the Turkish intelligence to get ready to wipe out this first contingent, according to pretty credible reports," Chomsky added. http://mobile.todayszaman.com/diplomacy_chomsky-syrian-al-nusra-main-recipient-of-turkish-aid_404345.html
  20. We didn't create it of course, shiite-sunni split occured well before our time. But now that people are searching for answers in earnest, theres a growing understanding (approaching consensus) of how the West's policies and actions encourage and enable growth of groups like ISiS. France is a good a case in point: targeted Assad for political reasons, took part in degrading the power structure which emboldened and empowered rebel/terrorist entities, looked the other way as French jihadists left to go and fight in Syria, in bed with the worst governments over there selling arns to them, etc. They are the most interventionist of all the European govts in syria. And yes the government is very much complicit in the trouble theyre having at home. It's shameful that objectively speaking a war criminal like hollande marches around like he's wholly on the side of what's good
  21. Someone posted in another thread but belongs here. Perfect illustration of what the Clintons are up to
  22. Not surprising since you're most in denial of those "world leaders" policies in perpretating state sponsored terror and in creating conditions on the ground for the rise of groups like ISIS
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