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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Never could stand williams. Not a favre fan but the way they treated him in that conference champ game was a disgrace. I hope Williams gets run out of the league over this.
  2. We're not getting him so who cares
  3. Georgia Salpa .... whoah, you kidding me!?! http://www.fratfury.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/georgia-salpa-15.jpg http://celebutopia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Georgia-Salpa.jpg http://m.holymoly.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/mobile_450/Facebook_t_Georgia-Salpa-big-brother-contestant291211i_1.jpg
  4. When does the scary part start? I watched and couldn't find it.
  5. Bet he's related to this guy http://ospois.wordpress.com/2008/11/13/all-u-want-to-know-about-the-fat-hairy-gun-loving-guitar-hero/
  6. Id like to see Bills stop defining themselves as a "rebuilding" team. It prevents them from signing big time FAs and seasoned vets with a couple productive years left. Whose to say if we didn't have a few more pieces we couldn't have made some noise last year. Against the super bowl teams we were 1 & 2, with one of the losses a close one on the road. We may not be much further away than a few players. But we'll never know if we keep defining our status as "rebuilding".
  7. Sets a rather horrible precedent: kill someone, get acquitted, sign 7-figure book deal.
  8. I'd definitely take on moss. At his age he knows this is truly his last shot. Odds are you'll get his best which will be better than most NFL WRs. If he shows he still has the sub 4.4 speed and agrees to a mostly incentive deal, gotta be crazy not to sign him.
  9. Get em both! Rice and Brown were a terrific pair for raiders in their mid-30's
  10. Only on the condition he lays out Revis
  11. not to try and jump in on the feeding frenzy, but I have the impression she wasn't quite the "innocent being taken advantage of" she was often portrayed. I mean she was seeing that Ray J (of Kim K sex tape fame) recently. You dont go near that guy if you don't have a rebellious/wreckless side to you
  12. leaked on TMZ it was a combination of Xanax, other prescription drugs and alcohol that likely killer her http://www.tmz.com/2012/02/13/whitney-houston-cause-of-death-prescription-drugs-drowning-atlanta/#.TzkRX7yF_VQ
  13. Someone who sells 200 million records and reaches that many people is lot more uncommon. If we honored every one of the other types mentioned every time they passed there wouldn't be enough time in the day. That's why they're generally honored as a group.
  14. And all the more impressive she pulled it off in that dumpy gym outfit and aunt jemima hair band.
  15. And because no one has been able to match her performance that cheapens it? ummm, kind of messed up logic there. Id say that supports it as being the gold standard
  16. Still best anthem ever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llFZT6CTXz8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  17. Freida's over rated
  18. They won't. Theyve got gronk Welker and others. No way they sign a big money FA receiver. If they want some new blood in the receiving corp they'll do thru draft
  19. No joke, Ive been falling asleep to Megadeth lately. Last night I zonked out about half way into this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcjgc8HQ9K0&feature=fvst
  20. hard to argue for one "best" of course, but one that came to mind in the "simple, powerful and epic" domain: My Sabbath vote has to be Iron Man. Props to Tony for making metal caps for his fingers so he could keep playing after cutting the tips off accidentally at the factory. That dude defines metal!
  21. Love to see them the super bowl half time show. Far fetched as it sounds probably as much chance of that as bills playing in it any time soon
  22. No Shawn merriman? Bills robbed again.
  23. I thought his back problem went back to college.
  24. maybe its time for giselle bungeejumping,or whatever her name is, to put a lid on it. she sounds like one of those over bearing parents all pissy cuz their little kid didnt win, blaming everyone else of course, since her little baby is just so perfect. If she thinks it's so freaking easy, she can go play in Lingerie Bowl and show everyone how it's done
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