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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. It means he becomes the starter in week 11 after titans are mathematically eliminated from playoffs and the fans revolt against manning and Adams
  2. Be pretty funny if he just decided to retire after all this anyway. Lol
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/14/opinion/why-i-am-leaving-goldman-sachs.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1 "I attend ... meetings where not one single minute is spent asking questions about how we can help clients. It’s purely about how we can make the most possible money off of them."
  4. I wont hold it against buddy. He would have done his best by wining, dining and courting him, and putting the most money on the table. Can't do more than that.
  5. What hotel is he staying at anyway ?
  6. Bud Adams is really tryin to stick it to Irsay and the Colts with the addition of making him part of the titans front office after he retires.
  7. Lol I deleted it. These mobile entry devices have stuttering problems
  8. I think since the brady hotel comment athletes from visiting teams are being offered a 2nd night free. That explains the 2-night stay for Mario, if he signed on day 1 he'd no longer apply for the extra night, which he wanted for his fiancé comin to town
  9. How the bears can possibly afford peppers and williams puzzles me
  10. Look at this way: Bills will never have a QB as good as Brady, at least while he's playing. So the next best thing is to have an awesome line that knocks him on his ass (see NY Giants)
  11. He made that comment about meachem
  12. Of course a bird in the hand is better than one flying around to other cities. But the point is no new information was conveyed wih the release he's going to visit another team as he had planned it along. Even if he favors buffalo it would be protocol to honor his commitment to visit the other team and give them a proper hearing.
  13. @Union2008, read the article on nfl.com which I can't link from mobile. He was scheduled to meet with at least one other team all along. What youre posting is simply wrong. And What the bills wanted to do by Friday was irrelevant to his plans.
  14. Settle down Mr Sky is Falling. Read the article on nfl.com. He was scheduled to visit another team even before he came here. You're reading way to much into it.
  15. Folks settle down. He owes it to himself to visit more than one team. The first team Manning met was Denver and everyone is saying theyre the favorite for his services. Id put the odds >50-50 he signs with buffalo. We can bid the most due to our cap space, which gives us the upper hand.
  16. With this chunk of change for mario i don't see how they also commit 10th overall to pass rusher, maybe even defense is off the table. Look for WR or OT
  17. Assuming this gets done how does it shift our draft focus for 10 spot?
  18. ESPN reporting the suicide wings and genny cream gave him such bad diarrhea he took Bills off the list and announced he's never coming back here again.
  19. Out of those I think Garçon fits gaileys system the best
  20. @buffalo, The guy was an unheralded late round pick and earned eveything he got. You think it's a bad thing he spent a few in a terrific program learning from one of the best in the business? That he's put up outstanding numbers and shown he's mobile, can make all the throws and he's a fiery competitor in his starts? That in interviews he says all the right things, showing humility and composure? You damn him yet anoint 36 year old whose neck was so bad he had to sit for a year and whose numbers were steadily declining before that?
  21. Flynn will be reunited with his former OC whose now the HC. Cleveland is mosy likely out, theyll likely build around McCoy which is what they said theyd do. In limited play time Flynn set a game record that even Manning can't touch. He got glowing praise from his teammates on a team that already has an elite starter. people damning him because of rob Johnson and kolb are simply being assinine.
  22. Most likely means Flynn to Miiami, this sucks
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