Yeah the way the media treats him I think is disgusting, the herd is the worst, very manipulative to the point of sounding bitter. Has a real agenda against the guy and distorts the truth to slam him.
5 biggest "myths" he keeps spreading:
- Tebow is locker room cancer. Funny, I don't recall any major issues in Florida or Denver
- jets were on their way before him. Really, an 8 & 8 team after going 11&5 the year before?
- Sanchez is something special and tebow will compromise his progress. By all accounts Sanchez regressed his 3rd year, which is particularly disturbing since it was supposed to be his coming out party when they let him do more.
- tebow will tear jets locker room apart; like it wasnt the most dysfunctional already?
- Tebow will never be a good NFL QB: funny since he went a lot farther last year than most QBs in the NFL, right on the heels of broncos parting ways with their best wide out. Also the game against steelers when elway instructed him to throw it more he threw for >300 yards, 2 TDs, no picks and overall looked sharp. I'm not saying Tebow will make it to the next level, but flat out damning him at this time is unjustified.