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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. id rather just rush 11, then have leodis back there, probably block a couple by seasons end, and redirect some too for shanks
  2. Why not a sure handed WR like woods returning punts ? Pats have no problem sending edelman and amendola back there.
  3. He's a good B+ rated DB, which we need for depth. Just had no business returning kicks.
  4. Id also heard someone say it was the correct call becauae Watkins moved backwards as he was going to the ground. I'm not sure. Like I said earlier I would have preferred he try to cut it up field and take our chances that way vs a hail Mary
  5. Bunch of boneheads. Inevitable and could get a lot worse. Turkey downs Russian military aircraft near Syrias border https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/turkey-shoots-down-russian-military-aircraft-after-border-breach/2015/11/24/9e8e0c42-9288-11e5-8aa0-5d0946560a97_story.html
  6. Question on last play when Watkins was called in. It's a no brainer now, but even if not would work have been better off if he just cut and run up field, rather than setup Hail Mary? I've seen guys like sammy, beckham, brown, etc...exploit little seams between Defenders take it to the house. Still not easy with secondary in prevent , but my question is that preferred to Hail Mary?
  7. Taylor: has to go. He can't pressure a team deep, especially over the middle. Bellichick game planned totally around containing the run and defending from 15 yards and in. And he can't feel pressure coming from his right side and gets blasted at the worst times. Get him out, ceiling is too low. He can't take us far. 2-minute offense: do we even have one? Hughes: had a nice game both in coverage and getting pressure. And miraculously no PFs Officiating: no blaming them this time. If anything it netted slightly in our favor Overall: we're a sloppy team, they're not. That's a glimpse of how a real champ plays.
  8. I don't wish him harm, but please get him out. He can't pressure a team deep, especially over the middle. Bellichick game planned totally around containing the run and defending from 15 yards and in. And he can't feel pressure coming from his right side and gets blasted at the worst times. Get him out, ceiling is too low. He can't take us far
  9. they will take away our rush, hold under 100 to 87, and zebras will as usual be all over us, going going 70 on penalty. Total = 157
  10. it's fooled you before!
  11. If its a rock we better bomb it, could have WMDs
  12. I think if kubiak can ease Peyton out and still end up with bye he'll say mission accomplished
  13. I'd this some kind of a joke false flag? From that kook Pam geller? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/11/23/pro-isis-anti-french-messages-found-on-ohio-college-campus/
  14. That's kinda what happened the first time
  15. His 6.5 sacks last year are more than IK is capable of his entire career...get coples 284 lbs, 4.78/40, 25 reps Guys a beast
  16. Who are the officials? They had no problem dicking us on the London game. Seems like a lot of prime time games are soured by blown calls.
  17. Take a flyer on him over IK any day
  18. that goes w/out saying, especially with minimum spending requirements
  19. that is indeed every GM's challenge
  20. is there anyone truly among us doesn't have a sickening feeling if we lose it will be due to biased officiating throughout, or perhaps even worse seemingly fair officiating until a decisive horribly blown call near the end?
  21. Again, its a silly, false comparison becuase McCoy costs so much more guaranteed. It's Alonso + $20+ million for McCoy. People can now debate whichever they side got the better deal, but at least start with the correct terms.
  22. Only one way to shut them up, otherwise if we lose can't argue with the author. BTW one insight into why BB is so good: What about the Hoodie? Is Bill pumped and jacked about his team playing on Monday Night Football? We play them when they schedule them, said the coach. . . . it is what it is. ....... Just accepts things matter of factly. Doesnt get too high or low.
  23. I hate the refs to but he's insane. As disappointing as the call was, at least there was some basis to call it a penalty. Unlike the call on Robey
  24. True conservatives left that party a long time ago. It gone run over by neoconservatives, religious right, and foreign special interests. That said I give trump credit for being the only serious candidate who was a) opposed to Iraq war, b) supports leaving Assad in place as the lessor of two evils, c) said he'd talk with Putin and work things out and d) said even if global warming isn't man made isn't worth addressing so we can simply have cleaner air. As a businessman at least I think he'll make practical choices, and i just force myself to look the other way at the weirdness. The other ones unfortunately I believe are more likely to act on their bizarre views of the environment and foreign relations.
  25. he's a horrible come from behind QB
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