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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Thanks, any advice on how to differentiate the observable signs to being seriously depressed or to being a bills fan?
  2. Id heard that some consider suicide a selfish act, but I couldn't relate. After hearing her despair and bewilderment, I understood.
  3. No worries man I LOL'd. Even though "LOL" isn't in the dictionary. LOL
  4. He's been so cooperative and unconditionally apologetic wouldn't surprise me if it's just year too: question is, who'd want him? Not me, because even if i thought he was good, he'd be under so much scrutiny Id be concerned he'd lose the aggressive edge those guys need.
  5. @NS, if you read goodells statement he said multiple independent sources fingered vilma (paraphrasing of course). I'm guessing at least one of those sources was greggo. So it will be a case of vilma vs other salnts players and maybe a coach. I think in a court of law he could be found guilty based on testimony of others, even if there's no hard evidence like gregs taped pre-game speech. What complicates it for saints nation is that it's not simply them against the commissioner, theres also an element of saint on saint now
  6. After dropping $3.3mm maybe he thinks he has nothing to lose. I don't know, I'm kind of surprised he got as much a greg and Payton, because equating the penalty would seem to be equaling the authority, which wasn't the case since he wasn't a coach. But the flip side of reading potential innocence into the ferocity of his response, is asking how the league would dish it out if they didnt feel confident they could defend the penalty against the NFLPA and beyond. Goodell doesn't seem the type to act without getting clearance from the lawyers first.
  7. Who cares saints are toast. Instead of lashing out at everyone else they ought to be pointing the finger the only place it belongs: themselves. Greg Williams didn't apologize and lay himself at the complete mercy of the commissioner over nothing.
  8. Hearing his mother on the radio weeping and asking why he didn't talk her about whatever it was that was bothering him, makes me think it was a highly selfious act. Now I don't know all the circumstances that's for sure, but it would have to be something really out there to change my mind.
  9. Wow the bounty vilma thought would cost him $10k at most ends up costing $3.3mm. That's just brutal losing that kind of change when nfl careers tend to be short to begin with.
  10. How sad. Always seemed like such a solid guy. Wonder if financial problems were the issue
  11. Yet you're motivated to repeatedly comment on it.
  12. @NoSaint, note "most likely" preceded by "can we assume" in a sentence ended with a "?" in a thread title ended with "?" on a slow day in May. All of which has been covered before your post.
  13. Some said same thing about Coach Payton covering up a bounty system. You more than anyone here know the consequence of that error .... ouch
  14. I know doc there's reason to be skeptical. Thats why this thread title has a "?". It was meant to be a "shoot the breeze" " what if" kind of thing on a slow day. That is until Mr. Literal, No Imagination, no sense of humor, WEO character tried turning it into a supreme court hearing and tit for tat language contest. More like "Mr Rigid" lol
  15. You don't think there are parallels to investigating a crime versus a league infraction ? Get it now? Geez dude a little imagination would suit you well.
  16. Basis for criminal investigation is derivation of motive, which determines suspects.
  17. You're saying fan opinion and media frenzy don't matter ? That a team wanting to see him drop wouldnt try to pollute the water somehow? If there were no benefit to leaking yet the potential for league punishment, why leak?
  18. He'd just say "that test don't mean nothing" http://aol.sportingnews.com/nfl/story/2012-04-27/morris-claiborne-wonderlic-test-blew-off-dallas-cowboys-draft-lsu-cornerback
  19. Now that we know Dallas had an intense interest in Claiborne, were highly incented to see him drop and didn't care about the low test score, can we assume they most likely leaked the score of 4? If this can be proven could they lose the pick retroactively? Otherwise what would be the penalty? Also how could Claiborne want to play for them if this came out ? Hmmmm .....
  20. I hope someones keeping a close eye on his Facebook, guy sounds ready to go postal
  21. That's what I had too + picking up aaron corp as an udfa. So I had you one better
  22. If they sign him it wont be PS. Brad smith is needed for wildcat and also a good WR backup. So this must mean theyre looking to get rid of thigpen. Also think it indicates they know they need someone to pressure fitz as starter.
  23. Said the same about saints*. He's right on both counts
  24. I see Shanny as another free agent bust for skins, giving the guy anything he wants (in this case makin him Hghest paid coach and letting him hire his son to drain more money out skins) and getting nothing in return from day 1
  25. Then just cut Lindell. He's not good enough to warrant occupying 2 roster spots for FG kicker
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