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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Felt like losing season since all we needed was win against steelers 2nd and 3rd stringers at home to make playoffs and still couldn't do it. I was at that game, sucked.
  2. I respect kelsay for not giving up 90 (even though I didn't know players "owned" it). It's like he's saying "hey I'm a player in this league too, at the same position, not conceding anyhing. "
  3. Hopefully this isn't an open invitation to do a cromartie and have unprotected sex with multiple partners.
  4. Just thought of another: Henry Kissinger. Walked right by him on park avenue. Little dude, talking 5'3" little. Even with the hat he had was wearing! Seemed pretty happy with himself, had a smile on his face about something.
  5. Chans only been here 2 years. And the draft has been mostly on the defensive side.
  6. I can't pull the trigger on picking a winner in west. First time I can recall being completely on the fence.
  7. They hinted next series. But I don't think they really know. He's back 100% I take heat, not back or not healthy when back, I take celts.
  8. Heat will win this series. But I don't see them getting by celts w/o bosh. West series is a toss up: okc is younger and has deeper bench but spurs are very disciplined and on a huge roll
  9. Greg Williams will be wearing that for real for now on
  10. No Chinese wall implications. Research is used in support of IPO. Stock wasnt trading. Couldnt trade on material non public info in a regulated market You have no clue.
  11. I have series 7 & 63. And I can see you need a lot of education on banking and business. The money made from an IPO is a multiple of the stated fee: green shoe trading profits, selling commissions, research, secondary offerings, new offerings in the related sectors, M&A advisory, etc etc. they had a clear choice: make it known their research which is used IN SUPPORT OF THE IPO has turned less positive, or try to keep it hush hush except maybe for a few insittional investors and keep the revenue stream. And they obviously didn't lose much supporting the offering since they cut it ran and let it tank.
  12. It's funny topped she's around 6.5. Topless she shoots up to 9.5. Even with that nasty scar beneath her navel revealed.
  13. Funny thing is he comes across as most credible of all the ancient alien theorists and then goes and blows it with the increasingly crazy hair
  14. Given the high profile of this IPO I would thnk if they disseminated the lowered estimates broadly it would have been all over the media. But I hear why you're saying, there are conflicts of interests in this situation. Bottom line though they made a choice to go ahead with the IPO versus make it very apparent to everyone they were at odds with the company and risk losing multi billion fee. They managed it poorly and a lot of investors - institutional and retail - got smoked, while they got their fee.
  15. More unfolding on this crap show. Morgan stanley the lead underwriter lowered its earnings estimates during the road show but only informed their best institutional investor clients of the change. http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/facebook-bankers-secretly-cut-facebook-revenue-estimates-middle-133648905.html
  16. Their lead underwriter Morgan stanley is getting a lot of bad PR for badly managing the IPO. Their stocks off too. Lol first IPO that dragged down 2 companies.
  17. Why can't merriman play LB anymore ?
  18. Speaking of chefs, I saw Mario Bartelli at a golf course. Guy is huge! Certainly loves his food
  19. they would contend the reports from ancient religious peoples of gods descending/ascending from/ to the sky in flying chariots etc were accounts of alien visits in the only way they knew of describing such things given their primitive sciences .
  20. Me http://rlv.zcache.com/cute_t_rex_pet_card-p137096815423870439envwi_400.jpg
  21. Whether you believe all of it or not, it was a highly entertaining and well produced series. And at a minimum made one aware of interesting historical sites and travel destinations.
  22. Wish you were here (Australian) thriller/drama. Just saw it on flight from Asia. Very engaging http://filmguide.sundance.org/film/120035/wish_you_were_here
  23. I'd have my cat back who I had for 16 years and passed a year and a had ago. If not him I'd have a TRex. Imagine when someone was trying to act badass with their pit bull then I show up with my pet T Rex on a leash
  24. There's no point in quantifying it, this year is a write off for them.
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