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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Supposedly this is his beau http://www.zimbio.com/Benjamin+Maisani/articles/bmmMDqTod4Q/Ben+Maisani+Anderson+Cooper+Spotted+Looking
  2. “The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud,” he wrote to fellow gay journalist Andrew Sullivan, who published the letter with Cooper’s permission in his column on The Daily Beast website. http://m.nydailynews.com/1.1106314
  3. How exactly did BO "steal" the primary election from her? Please state all of your assumptions this time.
  4. Hopefully he gets this stuff out of his system in the studio so he stops with end zone celebration, flag drawing, game killing, bonehead maneuvers. Fwiw Ralph and buddy's reaction
  5. That's your problem then, all these faulty assumptions. Like assuming away the nearly 7 months between now and the end of BO's 1st term
  6. Look up fellas, that was directed to the posters saying she's kept a low profile. No I don't think that aspects worthy of debate. @ buftez, "resigning" comment was in reply to your question what she needs to do differently to earn my approval. Clear as a bell since I quoted your question in my post. Seriously man when you're not following someone do you ever consider YOU may be the problem?
  7. Gimme a break guys, she's known as the "rock star" diplomat for a reason. Hillary's all about Hillary, her brand and getting it out there, no matter what shes doing. Can we just please not even debate this ?
  8. Physical keyboard is better but it compromises screen size. And people have put web browsing ahead of keyboard on the priority list
  9. Yeah and she does it excessively. Ad "media whore" to "REALLY FREAKING ANNOYING" and "hag" and its one helluva toxic brew.
  10. Hey chief that would be "resign" as in "Verb: Voluntarily leave a job or other position. Give up (an office, power, privilege, etc.)" not "re-sign"
  11. Exactly a "Statesman", who could serve under either of the parties. Powell was for a while until that disasterous WMDs presentation to the UN.
  12. I think she'd be better: more presentable, down to earth and practical. Hillary just comes across as a bitter old hag now out to get even with the world cuz she's not president. And she surrounded herself with the same types.
  13. ..... REALLY FREAKING ANNOYING? Looks more and more like a hag each time. And just drones on and on about some foreign place most Americans dont care about. Such a downer, you'd think she'd of gotten some public speaking training by now. And that other hack susan rice fills in and she's just as bad. Condi wasn't as hard to watch but she was useless. Can't we get a REAL Secret of State for a change ?
  14. Tell the 9ers it's an 8:15 night game and maybe we'll have a chance of winning.
  15. Are you saying its because she's a chick?
  16. And now Apple wins an injunction against Samsung to ban the sale of Galaxy Nexus (google android) phones in the US. Judge agreed with their claim Samsung copied iPhones "look and feel". Wow what a crock, I own one of each and if this ruling is upheld it will stifle innovation and inch apple that much closer to a true monopoly in US. These phones are not alike !
  17. More than the phone, how comfortable will companies be staying on a platform with a highly uncertain future ?
  18. Buffalo News ?
  19. No, there's no future with him. VY is younger than Fitz and if he turns things around it will payoff for several years.
  20. Born in Brooklyn, moved to Baltimore at 8 after his father died. He made it clear to Denver he would only agree to a trade to a NY team so he could play for his home town.
  21. This. There's been a blurring of lines between business and personal use markets.
  22. What a staggering decline in market share. Have to wonder if there'll be any rim jobs left in the near future, for those into that sort of thing.
  23. Yes we, something like that transcends borders. It's a reflection of the human condition.
  24. The story .... "A seven-month pregnant mother in China was recently beaten and forced to abort her unborn daughter, according to human rights groups. A graphic image of the aborted baby lying next to the mother has been posted on the Web." http://www.christiantoday.com/article/chinese.officials.forced.woman.to.abort.baby.at.7.months/30060.htm The picture (seriously don't look. Epicly sad on many levels. Good grief what are we doing to ourselves). http://img.news.sina.com/china/p/2012/0613/U45P5029T2D476539F24DT20120614102424.jpg
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