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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Wouldnt say its a matter of passion. He wants to play as much as anyone. In his desire yo fit in and be viewed as a team player he loses the ability to lead.
  2. I wish we had receivers this shifty.
  3. You're still not following. I'll give one more shot at explanation. By "acknowledging" I'm not referring to straights coming out they're straight, I'm referring to them making note of, commenting on, showing interest in, "caring" as someone said earlier, about a gays making public their gayness. The double standard is somehow that gays are to be admired and celebrated for coming out, but straights have some deep seated issues for paying attention to the publication
  4. No what I'm saying is some of you have a clear double standard: it's ok for the gay guys to put this out and want it acknowledged, but when a straight guy acknowledges it he's pestered like he has some issues.
  5. Time for them to put together that trip yo Germany they keep taking about “It is punishable to distribute animal pornography, but the act itself is not,” she told the Frankfurter Rundschau daily paper on Friday. “There are even animal brothels in Germany,” she said. http://m.thelocal.de/society/20120203-40531.html
  6. why are some of you on our nuts about why we care, how much we care, etc etc? The gay guys Cooper and the author are the ones who put it out there ... obviously THEY CARE and wanted others to read it. The gay community and celebs are coming out praising him. Why arent u suspiciously probing all their motivations for "caring" and wanting everyone else to care?
  7. Nice tongue and cheek by the sheriff: they're "a different breed, that's for certain "
  8. Now some guy named frank ocean outed himself. Who the hell is frank ocean? Anyone I have to google isn't worth googling. Is this going to be the new way to kickstart ones career, like sex tapes used to be?
  9. Yeah but teddy Bruschi took deep offense at his use of the word "amazing" to describe Pats high powered offense. Apparently that's worse than all the above vices
  10. Yeah he has a huge following on twitter. I really hope he has a good year in Miami and sticks it to pats both times.
  11. I know one of the scientists involved in the atlas project and he sent the cern link I posted which I think is quite good. He's obviously a bit distracted at the moment (more like beside himself like we'd be if bills won a super bowl), but I did ask what's the utility of the discovery. He expressed some caution that the next step is to.run other tests to determine if its the higgs or something subtly different. Could be a while before we see the benefits to society.
  12. Another dog video
  13. Nice! Bella's scaring me letting the elephant pet her stomach with her foot. But Bella seems to feel pretty bad ass about herself in general.
  14. Straight from CERN. Best explanation I've seen yet: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/journal/CERNBulletin/2012/28/News%20Articles/1459456?ln=en
  15. Susan rice has dibs on shrill and screeching, condi on the other one
  16. Lol I was hoping this thread would last a few pages without getting sidetracked, but that was funny.
  17. I'll start with this: 2 circus elephants reunited after 20 years.
  18. Good post, that's all I've been saying all along. The goobers were saying it wasn't about money in the sense of bills say he's worth x and his agent says x + y; they were sayig no one had a position because of the 3rd round vagaries and once they could determine whats fair for that slot the deal would be inked that day. I'd be surprised if it didn't get done, but not shocked. Depends how big the Y factor is and how dug in the sides are.
  19. Wow kind of takes on a new meaning with some red necky looking dudes singing about being master to some brothers.
  20. Shhh .... You're not supposed to say that kind of thing around here. The self appointed football and negotiation expert committee will be in attack mode. Like on me in a previous thread. If you don't want trouble just keep saying its all about the 3rd round and nothing to do with the sides being apart on money.
  21. Lol good one. But seriously his BF looks hardcore. Probably gives AC the full 360 treatment
  22. They wont do anything. This is just tough talk trying to make up for the Israelis slaughtering 9 Turkish peace activists a couple years ago and them doing nothing about it.
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