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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Help them as much as you want. Give them great educations and world experiences so they can contribute to society. Its the unmotivated free loaders that are a drag on the rest of us and undeserving.
  2. Property rights only exist because of the state. State collapses so would the "rights". You act as if they're some kind of fixed divine right. Theyre open to discussion and interpretation. Its the state that both creates and supports them. From the states perspective it can't tolerate growing bases of free riders on either end of the economic spectrum. Realizing the fruits of society's labor should be based on merit, not birth.
  3. You must if you want to be on the side of carrying the load for others who aren't contributing
  4. Truth be told there are a lot of free rider do-nothing trust fund babies who are totally undeserving. I have no problem imposing an 100% tax on them unless they can demonstrate theyre making a positive contribution to society in some way. Like having served in the military. Byconsuming and not producing they're every bit the drag on the rest of us the welfare people they're always busting on
  5. So he's having some fun away from football knowing this year is a write-off What saints fans should do instead of bitching at Goodell all the time.
  6. Hot dogs will close the once thought eternal divide between gays and straights http://i.imgur.com/aANJF.jpg
  7. Kinda catchy. They also show real awareness of china, talking about the cultural revolution's gang of four and calls for revolution which pre-dated tieneman square by almost 20 years
  8. Nice pickup thanks. McKinley waived for keith Lincoln
  9. Ted Washington, Mike Jefferson, Naaman Roosevelt, William McKinley
  10. You hit the nail on the head wrt schumer. Saw it first hand in hedge fund space. Post crisis he lobbied hard for more regulation and red tape for smaller and new funds, including putting words in bernankes mouth. When clearly the problem was on a scale of magnitude it was 99% the domain of large banks, insurance companies and mega funds. But chuckie gets a lot of dough from major billionaire hedge fund managers like Steve Cohen, who can stomach the costs of increased regs the smaller ones cant. Big guys love the thought of more barriers to keep néw entrants out
  11. * warning: starting threads from mobile phones entails risk
  12. Pro business : low taxes, deregulation, minimal red tape = job growth Pro selective punishment based on campaign contributions : grease Clinton campaign coffers = secure pardon for undeserving billionaire fugitive husband
  13. Pro business I dont have a problem with. Pro selective punishment based on campaign donations I do.
  14. So Manhattan socialite and major donor to Democratic campaigns (who got her fortune from fugitive Marc rich) escapes the wrath of chuck schumer but the Facebook entrepreneur who helps build a successful business and creates jobs is publicly chastised? Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/07/09/denis-rich-gives-up-us-citizenship-will-save-millions-in-us-taxes-report-says/#ixzz20AAfCjBy
  15. Girl you know its true - Milli vanilli (although one could also argue for blame it on the rain)
  16. Be pretty cool if they used vibration instead of pall bearers to move the coffin. Like in that beck video
  17. Would be nice if defense was more clear on this. Are they making the fantastical claim the 2nd shooter was there by coincidence. Or it was security and in the chaos they fired the fatal shots? For his part, Sirhan has been inconsistent and downright incoherent at times, behavior that could be covering for someone.
  18. Someone else nominated MWOHs. But for the record they also had "all the little people living in china "
  19. The night Chicago died - whoever sang it, I'm not motivate to look it up, but I'd say it's definitely their signature song
  20. Had same thought but how come none of the experts raised it? Maybe they think the sounds are distinctive enough. Some more food for thought: they say sirhan emptied his entire 8 round clip. 6 people were struck, RFK 3x, a 4th passing thru his jacket. That means the 5 bullets not striking him all struck one person each, including the one passed thru his jacket. Just seems a little odd. Another question: didn't they perform analysis on the bullets to determine if they came from the same gun?
  21. That don't impress me much - shania twain Like a virgin - Madonna Brass in pocket - pretenders Hit me with your best shot - pat benatar Addicte to love - Robert Palmer
  22. Nina Rhodes-Hughes insists Sirhan was not the only gunman firing shots when Sen. Kennedy was murdered only a few feet away from her at a Los Angeles hotel. She says there were two guns firing from separate positions and that authorities altered her account of the crime. In his analysis of the Pruszynski recording, Philip Van Praag found that some of the 13 shot sounds he located in the tape were fired too rapidly, at intervals too close together, for all of the shots fired in the pantry to have come from Sirhan's Iver Johnson revolver alone. http://edition.cnn.com/2012/07/08/justice/california-rfk-second-gun/index.html?c=&page=1 If its proven there was poor investigate work or worse a cover up here, this will reignite interest in the JFK assassination, the official account of which still seems suspicious to me given the magic bullet and Oswald being rubbed out by an organized crime figure before he could talk.
  23. Maybe not as popular as their larger and more spectacular cousins, red pandas certainly hold their own in terms of cuteness.
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